Your microwave is dirty and could use a good cleaning ?
Is it full of dirt and tomato sauce splatters?
So how do you sanitize and degrease your microwave?
Do not panic ! There's a genius trick to cleaning your microwave with white vinegar and steam!
This technique is not only super easy , but in addition it cleans your microwave in depth and in no time !
Indeed, thanks to this trick, I managed to clean layers of dirt, grime and traces of butter that were there without my knowing it!
After this deep cleaning, I realized that the inside of my microwave was 5 times whiter than before.
Don't think your microwave is factory yellow! In reality, it's probably bright white in color, like snow!
I love cheats like this because they are super simple to use.
To keep your microwave sparkling clean too, all you need is a little water, white vinegar and just 1 minute of your precious elbow grease.
You are ready to discover the easiest and fastest technique to clean your microwave thoroughly? So here we go!
- a microwave-safe bowl
- a toothpick
- a sponge
- 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
- water
- optional :1 drop of lemon essential oil
Preparation time:3 mins
Waiting time:7 mins
Total time:10 min
1. Pour 50 cl of water and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar into a microwave-compatible bowl.
Add 1 drop of your favorite essential oil if the smell of white vinegar bothers you :-)
2. Add a wooden toothpick to the vinegar water (it prevents the water from boiling and spilling).
3. Put your bowl in the microwave. Then, close the door and heat the liquid at maximum power, for 5 min .
4. Once the program is finished, do not open the door of your microwave right away. Wait 2-3 mins to allow the steam to do its job.
The steam with vinegar will soften the residue stuck to the walls. As for the lemon essential oil, it will neutralize bad smells.
5. Take the bowl of vinegar water out of the microwave. But be careful when taking it out because it's very hot!
6. Take the turntable out of your microwave (and again, be careful, because it's hot) and clean it in your sink.
7. Finally, run your sponge over the inside walls of your microwave. You will see, all dirt and residue will disappear almost effortlessly!
There you go, thanks to this recipe, your microwave is perfect and all this effortlessly :-)
He found his original white as the first day. No baking soda needed! Thanks WHO ? Thank you white vinegar!
Now you know how to wash your microwave easily and naturally.
The other trick to cleaning your microwave is to soak a sponge in water. Then, pour 1 teaspoon of white vinegar on the sponge and heat it in the microwave.
However, this technique generates much less steam than heating a bowl of water with vinegar in the microwave. Therefore, it is convenient for basic cleaning. But if the walls of your microwave are really dirty, use the bowl of vinegar water method.
You know the splash guards? It is a super effective accessory to limit splashes on the walls of your microwave.
It's simple. Place the plastic cover on your dishes to be heated and your oven will remain much cleaner , longer . And what's more, the cover prevents your dishes from drying out during heating!
If you are interested, you can get a splash guard here.
Liquids heated in the microwave can become extremely hot and “explode”. It's not a common occurrence, but it can happen.
However, the boiling phenomenon does not occur in containers whose surface is perfectly smooth. Therefore, if you use a smooth container, no bubbles will form (namely, there will be no boiling of the liquid).
But as soon as the container undergoes a movement (for example, when you open the microwave and take out the bowl), it can cause an "explosion".
That said, don't worry too much, as the vast majority of commercial bowls and other containers are NOT perfectly smooth. Indeed, even surfaces that appear totally smooth to the touch are actually covered with small imperfections and roughness that allow boiling bubbles to form.
In addition, the rotation of the microwave turntables creates enough movement to allow liquids to boil.
But, for safety reasons and to avoid any accident, do not forget to insert a toothpick in your vinegar water container. This allows bubbles to form on the wood of the toothpick, allowing the vinegar water to boil WITHOUT exploding.