If you're like me, you use your broom everyday at home .
It's true that between crumbs, animals or children who bring dirt...
This broom is never too much!
But by the way, who cleans the broom?! Nobody!
It would still be a shame to clean the house with a broom that spreads the dust a little more...
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to properly clean your broom and make it look like new.
Here is in 8 steps how to easily dust and disinfect a broom with white vinegar . Watch:
- bucket
- vacuum cleaner
- 1 liter of white vinegar
- hot water
- 2 tablespoons of washing-up liquid
1. Outside the house, tap the broom brush on a grid to remove the biggest dirt.
2. Vacuum the brush with the vacuum cleaner.
3. Run the brush under hot water.
4. Soak the brush in a bucket filled with white vinegar, water and dish soap.
5. Leave to soak for about 20 minutes.
6. Rinse off all soap with warm water.
7. Make a second bath in hot water and 500 ml of white vinegar.
8. Leave to dry in the sun.
And There you go ! Your broom is now clean as on the first day :-)
You can sweep the whole house without spreading more dust than you pick up.
In addition, white vinegar is really inexpensive (less than €1 a bottle). And it respects the environment.
Easy, fast and economical, right?
It avoids changing brooms and buying another one. And that's always a little more daily savings.
And with a clean broom, you'll save time doing your housework.
White vinegar naturally disinfects and degreases broom bristles.
As for the dishwashing liquid, it will clean the bristles of the broom and also degrease them.
It will also coat them to catch even more dust!
This trick works for a traditional broom, a push broom and even a mop.
If the bristles of the broom are forked, do not cut them like the hair.
On the contrary, it is even better to catch the dust well.
Now that your broom is clean...
You may be wondering how to clean your vacuum cleaner?
Here too, there is a lot of dust, dirt, hair and threads clinging to it.
And it's not ideal for cleaning dust... and eliminating dust mites.
Do you have a bagless vacuum cleaner? So I advise you to follow the 8 easy steps of this trick.
And to clean the brush of your vacuum cleaner, nothing very complicated. Follow this tutorial in 5 steps.
In 5 min, your vacuum cleaner is perfectly clean.