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5 garden jobs to do in the fall

5 garden jobs to do in the fall

Colder and shorter days:autumn is on its way and it's high time to prepare your garden to help it tackle the home stretch before the arrival of winter.

Cleaning operation

In your vegetable garden, weed and aerate by digging. Also add manure or compost to get a richer soil for your future work in the spring. It is important to remove the foliage from your summer vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini or beans. Take the opportunity to pick up the last remaining vegetables, such as pumpkins or squash. Storage in a silo or cellar is recommended for certain varieties, in particular parsnips, beets or carrots. In the ornamental garden, the beds and pots are to be weeded while the fragile plants must be stored indoors. The rest of the plants that will stay outside are to be protected with a wintering veil.

Sowing the lawn

Fall is the best time to renovate or create your lawn. Temperature contributes to better rooting. In the spring, you will have the pleasure of enjoying a beautiful lawn. If you want to create your own lawn, there are a few steps to follow. After having started by turning the earth, clean it by eliminating pebbles, stones and pieces of wood. Add fertilizer and soil conditioner and level the soil. Sow the lawn by spreading the seeds evenly and making sure to follow the planting instructions for your variety of lawn. Lightly cover the seeds with potting soil with the help of a rake. Finally tamp, then water.

Pamper your plants

In order to be sure to enjoy a beautiful and colorful garden in the spring, you can already plant some autumn bulbs which will come out of the ground at the end of winter. Despite the falling temperature, this is the perfect season to plant shrubs, trees, fruit trees, roses and other perennials. Thanks to warm soil and moist soil, they will be able to take root more easily. Among the bulbs to plant at this time are the Naples cyclamen, narcissus, tulips and even crocuses.

5 garden jobs to do in the fall

Taking care of your hedges

With humidity, hedges can unfortunately suffer serious damage if they are not trimmed correctly. Those with evergreen leaves will especially need careful care. Take care to avoid the formation of holes during your pruning, as the hedges may have difficulty growing in winter and will appear bare. If a lot of tree leaves have fallen on your hedges, you should clean everything up, as this prevents their breathing and can also lead to rotting.

Water garden and birdhouses

Are you lucky enough to have a water garden? You must be concerned about your fish, which will have a hard time overwintering if you do not provide them with food supplements. Other precautions are to be considered depending on the species you are raising. Also use a fine-mesh net to remove all the dead leaves that stagnate in the water and make it dirty. If you have birds in your garden, clean their nesting boxes and provide them with a supply of seeds. The winter is going to be tough for us but also for them, so we might as well help them get through this season in the best conditions.