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3 things to do in the garden in the fall

Autumn is the ideal time to take care of your garden and prepare your plants for the arrival of winter. The list of things to do is long but here are 3 tasks to do to prevent plants from withering. During this so-called transition period, the watchwords are planting, pruning and cleaning. Here is everything you need to know to properly maintain your garden.

The gestures to have

Some plants survive winter better than others. This is why it is imperative to take better care of them, without neglecting the others. In particular, I scarified my lawn and cut certain shrubs such as mock orange, willow and weigelia. Also, you will need to cover the most fragile plants with mulch or dry foliage or even for some of the winter veils.

I won't hide from you that it's a real titanic job, especially if you have a lot of plants. This is where the advantage of planting in pots or planters lies. You will just have to bring them in before the arrival of frost, or move them to a fitted greenhouse. On the other hand, if you have planted in the ground, it may be quite tedious.

The 3 autumn homework

I learned a lot on I like the garden advice on this site and for the uninitiated, it's very practical. In the fall, people start planting, pruning and cleaning up their gardens. When it comes to planting, for example, now is a good time, because the soil is moist and easy to work. If you want to add new shrubs or trees to your garden, this is the time. What you should also know is that during the fall, the plants prepare for winter, because the soil goes from hot summer to cold winter:they will have time to grow well. root. Unlike some plants that can be planted, others will need to be dug up to be kept until the next spring arrives. This is what I did for my dahlias.

Once we have planted, we move on to pruning, which is essential to keep the plants healthy. How do you know when it's time to prune? Flowering shrubs are pruned after flowering. Otherwise, remove all faded flowers.

In this perspective not to overload and to clean up the plants, it is advisable to clean the garden in particular by removing the vegetable debris which would have fallen in the water of the basin, but also by cleaning the flowerbeds and the massifs of faded annuals. . The lawn is no exception to the rule. This is why it is important to regularly remove dead leaves. Make a final mow, being careful not to mow your lawn too short.