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Garden storage for fall

The beautiful season is ending, and most of the tools and other furniture that we left outside all summer will have to find a refuge from this fall.

Everything that equips your garden and that you will not use during the winter period needs a shelter because bad weather could damage your equipment, and make it unusable for the following year.

It is therefore wise to take, like me, the necessary resolutions, in order to avoid these small inconveniences. And you will have to think of everything:the tools, your mower if you have one, your furniture, as well as all those elements that could well have a bad winter if you do not ensure their survival. I'm going to take this opportunity to let you know what tips I've been able to find to put all this away until next spring, a long-awaited period already...

First step

You must have at hand a small place, a room, a garage, in any case a sheltered room, where you can put all your little gardener's mess. If you don't have one, you'll have to get to work now, and eventually build yourself a garden shed.

It is true that we do not all have the same DIY skills, however some sites offer shelters that can be built with disconcerting ease, simply by fitting together pieces of wood, as you could do with a game. construction (remember your childhood), or a kit piece of furniture.

This is for example the case of the products that you can find at France Abris, a site that I visited and on which I was able to find my happiness. I went there because a few months ago, I inquired about a carport, because I do not have a garage, and the prices are rather attractive, it must be admitted.

However, be sure to assess the size of your garden shed carefully, so that you are neither too big nor too small. Take into account, for example, the size of your current or future lawnmower.

For mine, it is true that I had hit a little hard, I had ordered a real little car, but which is unfortunately quite bulky.

And since I'm talking to you about putting away the mower, I take this opportunity to tell you about Pixmania, which has just redone its entire site. They obviously took advantage of this to offer more choices of mowers. There is even one that mows your lawn on its own without needing you. Well, at 3600 euros, we might swallow our laziness and get a more classic mower, but it's fun to note.

In any case, I opted for a relatively large garden shed to manage to park my mini-tractor. It is therefore an important criterion, because if you cannot store all your furniture as well as your tools, there would be no point in making such an investment. You have to have the compass in your eye and above all not forget anything about all the elements that you will need to put in the dry.

If, however, some large equipment should remain outside, a wheelbarrow for example, a good tarpaulin can be useful. Be careful all the same, plan its storage on a hard floor (cement, slabs) rather than on the ground from where humidity could rise.

Then we move on to personal DIY

Do not hesitate to arrange your garden shed as it should, by placing a few shelves, in order to save space. Indeed, if you just put everything on the ground, you will find yourself quite quickly overwhelmed. You can opt for a ready-made structure, or if you are a little more handy, a few boards, brackets, screws and fixings will also do the trick. This will allow you to put all the small objects, and thus enjoy a little more space within your shelter. Organization is key!

Also remember to cover some of your plants so that they do not suffer too much from the cold, this may be the case for certain fragile trees such as fruit trees for example, or subjects of the Mediterranean type, which are not made to withstand high temperatures. negative. Take a look on the web to find out which plants will need to be protected from frost by a veil or any other accessory to help them spend the winter warm.

To finish

Finally, to finish, don't forget that a tidy garden must also be clean, and with autumn coming, we advise you to take care of the dead leaves, so as not to let them pile up a little anywhere on your lawn.

Your garden will look much more beautiful, and will be able to get through this cold period, keeping its appearance clear and tidy. Consider getting a blower. About me, I took mine on, there are good plans for this type of tool. No need to make too large an investment knowing that it will not serve you throughout the year, only at certain times such as autumn.

With these few tips, you should be able to prepare your exteriors for the coming winter. And rest assured, in "a few" months it will be spring again, the renewal, and all this can return to its place in your garden, without having been damaged by bad weather.

On this subject, remember to take some precautions for the maintenance of your tools.

Good storage!