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Essential tools for gardening

Garden maintenance requires specific and diversified tools. These tools provide multiple services by allowing you to perform precise and effective gestures to be able to garden well.

Gardening is an art that many people do for fun. Gardening allows you to take care of the garden by taking care of the plants that make it up. The goal is obviously to improve the growth of all plants. There are many gardening tools:shovel, rake, mower or tractors.

Before buying a garden tool, it is worth considering its function. A good hand or mechanical tool must be able to correctly perform the task for which it is intended. A simple edger will do for small jobs. On the other hand, if you plan to use it to cut denser vegetation in a large garden, it will not be suitable. So don't hesitate to ask for advice when buying a tool, and ask yourself the right questions.

Daily maintenance of garden tools

Every time you use your tools, don't forget to take a few minutes to maintain them. Small daily gestures are enough. Do not store them in a dirty state. It is necessary each time to clean the tools which have touched the ground. The soil residues must be removed, the tool must then be brushed and rinsed after each use in the garden. These gestures are valid for spades, rakes and shovels.

The tools used for cutting are also to be maintained daily. Plant saps and resins harden on tools and will be almost impossible to remove. These residues may be harmful to the metal. The blades for their part can be rubbed with alcohol or solvent. To make your job easier, opt for cleaning with alcohol, which will disinfect your tools from viruses and bacteria.