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6 tips for organizing a garden party

Is it your birthday? Passed? Are you celebrating the arrival of a new baby or the purchase of a new home? These are all good reasons to party. But no reason is also a reason! Parties are fun, vibrant and fun. There is always a moment to be found. And a place, if you have a garden.

Lucky! A garden, nice weather and a nice group of friends. You've done it. With a natural organizational talent and this handy list of tips, you can organize a party that your friends will not soon forget:

#Tip 1 Just brush over it
You don't have to win a prize, but it is nice if your terrace is a bit neat. Remove weeds, prune the plants and sweep things up a bit.

#Tip 2 Make simple snacks
Don't make it too difficult for yourself. It is warm and people mainly want refreshment. Provide quick snacks, but keep it healthy. Stuffed tomatoes, vegetable snacks with hummus as a dipping sauce, tzaziki, salads, meatballs in tomato sauce. Give your guests access to their own drinking tap. Put down some juice taps (for sale at the average household store) and provide them with homemade iced tea, lemonade or other juices.

#Tip 3 Provide shaded areas
There is nothing more annoying than seeing yourself as a red lobster in the mirror at night. To prevent unnoticed burning, provide shaded areas in your garden. Place a shade cloth, hang up some sheets or place a party tent against the bright sun. An additional effect:a party tent will survive a small shower and your carefully prepared snacks will stay dry.

#Tip 4 Place a hor
With all those people walking in and out of your home, the back door is regularly left open. The lights inside are a festive invitation to all sorts of pesky prickly critters. Keep them out by installing an insect screen. Find inspiration at Horrengigant for a custom screen door.

#Tip 5 Lanterns and candles
Provide a nice decoration. A festive atmosphere is thus created in a garden. You'll need some lanterns, a string light, and maybe some lanterns for pretty colored pillar candles. Of course, you don't have to buy all of this stuff if you want to keep it a little more affordable. There are many fun DIY projects to consider when hosting a garden party. For example, make tea lights from old jam jars and pick small field bouquets for use in used wine or beer bottles.

#Tip 6 Don't forget to enjoy
At your own party you often forget to enjoy yourself. You are far too busy and are constantly entertained by offering them food and drinks. Do not do this. Provide a cold buffet and let people use this open bar. They can tap their own drinks. All you have to do is chat until you weigh an ounce and light the candles when the sun goes down. Cozy!