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What is the ideal temperature in the freezer?

What is the ideal temperature in the freezer?

We have mail asking what is the ideal temperature in a freezer .

We cannot disappoint these loyal readers and we respond immediately.

In the house, just like a refrigerator, a freezer stay plugged in all day. Knowing how to control your electricity consumption is therefore essential.

So what is the right temperature in the freezer?

What is the ideal temperature in the freezer?

How to

Each freezer has an adjustable thermostat that allows you to act on the temperature which will be permanently installed inside the passenger compartment. So how many degrees should a freezer be?

You must make sure to set this temperature to -18 degrees . This is the ideal temperature recommended everywhere.

Be aware that if you go below it is not necessary.

If you go too low, your freezer will consume electricity in vain, and your food will not be better preserved than if you were at -18°.

That's it, it's simple, isn't it? Now you know what ideal temperature a home freezer should be.

Savings achieved

There is no point in wasting energy, you know that. In fact, it's very simple:each degree in excess makes you spend 5% more electricity.

It is better to spend this money on something else, when you know the price of electricity tariffs today...

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to save electricity easily? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!