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What to do when spending your summer vacation in the city?

Spending your summer vacation in the city? Me too!

This year I'm not going on vacation . However, I have a well-deserved week off that I am looking forward to. But no trip on the horizon, I will not move from Toulouse. And besides, it is not necessarily an obligation or a flaw not to leave in July or August. Sometimes, circumstances mean that you cannot necessarily go and recharge your batteries elsewhere. We'll catch up later within the year!

But do not panic ! I already have a whole list of cool ideas to make the most of my summer vacation week in the city. I can tell you that I will not be bored. And finally, a week goes by quickly. Here are some suggestions for lifestyle activities to make the most of your summer, even without moving.

What to do when you spend your summer vacation in the city?

We take the opportunity to spend time with loved ones

The first idea that comes to mind is to take full advantage of those close to you , his family and his friends. Admittedly, some may themselves be on vacation elsewhere during my leave. But still, there is always someone to visit. Have a drink with a friend on the terrace, go shopping with her sister, spend an afternoon with her grandmother... See this high school friend who we only see twice a year (admit we all do it ). All those people who are dear to our hearts but that we do not necessarily take the time to see when we are in the whirlwind of routine and work. Now is the time to enjoy it!

Rediscovering your city

It's summer and often the big cities are less crowded than usual, more pleasant to wander around. This is the perfect opportunity to go sightseeing at home . We take a day alone or with others and we get lost in the alleys. We discover new designer boutiques , we test good food addresses to talk about it with colleagues at the start of the school year. There are so many things to do in the city that it is impossible to get bored. Even if you just do shopping sessions . In addition, the good weather is usually there, so no excuse!

You do a favor by becoming a cat/dog sitter

Your friends are going on vacation and are worried about leaving their cat alone at the apartment ? Or are they looking for an adoptive family for their dog for a week? That's good, a little company will do us good! This year, I will take care of the cat of one of my colleagues co-worker . A few return trips during the week to visit the animal, put fresh water on it and have a cuddle session in passing. We serve, it's good for our karma, and above all we make everyone happy. And if you can enjoy their swimming pool at the same time, that's a bonus!

We embark on boat activities but effective

Whether you have one or two weeks of vacation , you can alternate between an active day and a rest day. You will see that your schedule will fill up very quickly. No need to look very far to find activities to do during your summer vacation in the city, because everything is at your fingertips. We try the new escape game , we go bowling, we go to see a film or an exhibition. Without forgetting the swimming pool or the picnic at the edge of a lake if it is hot. If like me you live near a foreign border , a short day there won't hurt either! Do not hesitate to consult the site of the tourist office of your city to give you ideas.

We take the opportunity to do all the things we always put off

Repaint the TV cabinet to make it more modern? The desire is there, but we don't take the time during work, normal. Now is the time to get started! Make a list of all the things you keep putting off and challenge yourself to do them all. Or to schedule long-delayed appointments. Indeed, if there is 3 months of delay to see your dentist, if you do not call to make the appointment, it will not happen by itself. Also remember to make a large sorting in your business. Move your furniture, change your decoration. This way, you will start off on a good footing at the start of the school year.

And above all we rest

Of course, we don't forget to take rest time . Sleeping until noon (my real passion), doing a whole day of Netflix series, starting a new book... It's the holidays, so cool down and take time for yourself. No schedules, no constraints, we have fun!

Do you also spend your summer holidays in the city?