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What is the best manure?

Question from a blogger:What is the best manure to spread in the fall?

This is actually the best time of year to spread manure to plants that need it. Vegetable gardens and flower beds are in demand.

But which is the best?

You will find as information everything and its opposite. The most honest, elaborate articles will even give you its element composition. Others will tell you that in clay soil, it is better to put horse manure because it is very strawy. However, the same could be said for very sandy soils. So you are at the same point. What do I take?

My advice

The cheapest ! The one you can have next to your home easily.

My advice is:the cheapest and the most composted possible . A manure of 6 months to a year is excellent. Younger, mix it with various waste from your garden, let it compost and you will get a very good fertilizer. Avoid using it fresh, we do not know what the cow ate and what pesticides remain in the straw (weedkiller, growth retardant, etc.). Compost it and use it afterwards.

If you still want to spread fresh manure in autumn, the dose is 100 to 300 kg per 100 m². No need to bury it, let nature take its course.

What is the best manure?

Cow's head (thanks to Claude Enet for this original achievement!)