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Phyto EAJ products

EAJ =authorized use in gardens

Who can do more can do less...

My neighbor gives me a product he uses against powdery mildew on asters, roses and zucchini. It is even effective against tomato rot. It is a systemic product.

Before any use, I do research on the net, because the packaging has become illegible.

I'm looking for what crops the product is registered for.
I type the name of the product into my search engine. I read:Multi-crop fungicide with a broad spectrum of efficacy that can be used to prevent many fungi such as scab, powdery mildew, moniliosis, rusts, stemphylium, mycosphaerella in vegetable crops, arboriculture and vines.
I look closely at the vegetable crops for which the product is registered. I can't find the zucchini! therefore prohibited for this culture, I will mention it to my neighbor. For flower crops and roses, no problem. Finally if...
The dose against powdery mildew of flower crops is 0.05 liter for 100 liters or 5ml for 10 liters, not easy to dose this case, especially since I only need a liter or two …

The dose for roses is 0.1 liter for 100 liters or 10 ml for 10 liters, double in fact. If I put on my asters the rest of the product contained in the sprayer after the treatment of the roses, I spread twice as much product, with the risk of pollution and a financial waste. Not to mention a hypothetical risk of phytotoxicity.

As the product is effective against apple scab, I take this opportunity to put a little bit on it... Approved dose:0.015 liter for 100 liters or 1.5 ml for 10 liters! Which makes for a staggering overdose if I treat my apple trees against scab with a dose to treat rose powdery mildew… (almost 7 times the dose).
At a normal dose for an apple tree, the pre-harvest interval is 30 days (you wait a minimum of 31 days after the treatment to eat the apples). In case of overdose, what is the pre-harvest interval?

I don't want to incriminate the product, the seller, or my neighbor. I only draw your attention to the dangerousness of phytosanitary products when misused. Even products "Authorized Use in Gardens »; this product bears the mention EAJ according to
Respect the doses and inform yourself well:a product is effective for which diseases and on which plants?

Phyto EAJ products