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Basic fertilizer, it's now

Between mid-October and March, basic fertilizers extend to the garden. But to find your way around the entire range and make the right choice, you still need to know the actions of the different components.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of fertilizers to apply in the fall.

Fertilizers rich in nitrogen

  • The feathers and the wool of the mattresses (read the excellent mood post on this site:wool and boys…). Count 1 to 3 kg for 10m²
  • Poultry manure :no more than 3kg for 10m² at the risk of burning crops
  • The crushed horn , roasted or powdered:follow manufacturer's directions; about 300 gr for 10 m²
  • NB:the dried blood and guano have quick actions, they are used in the spring.

Fertilizers rich in phosphorus

  • Especially for acidic soils:rock phosphates s and the Thomas slag which contain a lot of lime
  • For neutral soils, bone powder or other natural phosphates containing little lime

Fertilizers rich in potash

  • The Patentkali :natural fertilizer rich in sulfur and magnesium, reserved for poor soils
  • Rock powders :not easy to find, they are less rich in postash but contain trace elements and especially silica which reinforces resistance to diseases. Granite for neutral or basic soil, Basalt for neutral or acid soil
  • The wooden ash :rich in phosphorus, carbonate of lime and trace elements. To bury lightly, no more than 1 kg for 10m²

Fertilizer rich in calcium

  • The lithothamnium :calcareous seaweed. Also contains magnesium and trace elements. For non-calcareous soil without exceeding 500gr for 10 m²

Organic fertilizers

  • Manures , dehydrated or fresh
  • Compost
  • Mulches , especially for heavy or too light ground

basic fertilizers of commerce contain several of these elements. Their destination is often specified:vegetable fertilizer, fruit trees, roses... But in any case, prefer organic and non-chemical fertilizers .