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The TopTen Guide to Buying Energy Efficient Products.

The TopTen Guide to Buying Energy Efficient Products.

Buying a responsible product, good for the environment, we would all like, but at what cost ? Now the Topten Guide expands these criteria with Topten €co!

The Topten Guide, you know it without knowing it. It was he who let you know if your last washing machine purchased was more or less energy-intensive, or if it was classified A++. The Topten guide actually compares cars, household appliances or electronic devices according to their energy consumption, the overall cost over their lifetime or their efficiency in terms of energy.

A label that makes the difference!

Recently, a small orange ".€co" label will make it possible to distinguish the products which present the best ratio between the environmental performances of the product and their price!

A label that therefore helps us to buy a product that saves energy and saves money!

Compare before buying

Before going to buy a product, I will first surf on the site in order to choose the best product according to my means! It has been very useful to me several times. And my conscience is better for it since.

Do you find it relevant to buy your devices at a reduced price while paying attention to environmental criteria? Come and discuss it in the comments.

Savings Achieved

Saving is not just buying a cheap product, it's also buying a product that will save me the most money over time. The appliances we buy consume energy (or water) each time they are used, and are sometimes in operation all day!

The Topten guide therefore makes it possible to choose a device that will be the least expensive in overall cost. And logic dictates that the more a device consumes energy, the more it is "eurosvore"! So have the Topten reflex.