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How to do without phyto products in the garden?

Continued from "Can we do without pesticides in the garden? » with solutions to do without phytos products in the garden. If you missed the first articles in the dossier, I invite you to read them by clicking on the following links:

  • What is a plant protection product?
  • How do plant protection products work?
  • How to avoid poisoning?
  • Are plant protection products dangerous for the environment?

How to do without phyto products in the garden?

Previous articles have highlighted the dangerousness phyto products and the basic precautions to take in case of treatment. The side effects of "organic" products, understand, accepted in organic farming also have an impact on live populations – otherwise they would have no interest – with “collateral damage”. Removing the snack of auxiliaries by suppressing aphid colonies means forcing yourself to treat systematically. There are several solutions to avoid this escalation. Applying them will save you time, money and health. The list is not exhaustive but I will give you some tips easy to achieve to reduce if not curb the use of synthetic and "organic" phytochemicals.

How to do without phyto products in the garden?

Let's spray the pesticides 1 Botanic poster


It's the diversity of life , it's making sure to have a maximum of animal and plant species in your garden while controlling their colonization.

Why is this important in a garden?
– Quite simply because the more plant species we have, the more animal species we have.
But still?
– And because animal species will self-regulate. So less risk of a population of undesirables wreaking havoc in your garden. If there are pests, there are, with a few exceptions, auxiliaries.

Discover my book on the subject:"My garden at the service of balanced biodiversity", published by Editions Jouvence.

How to increase biodiversity in your garden?

How to do without phyto products in the garden?

field hedge replacing the single varietal hedge

  • Do not plant a single-variety hedge . If the initial investment (purchase) may seem more interesting, the phytosanitary risks are multiplied. A sick tree and it's the hedge that gives a toast. We should also point out the increased risk of pollinosis, because there is a strong increase in pollen from the same species.
  • Put as many different plants as possible in your garden, in flowers, vegetables, shrubs, perennials...
  • Mulch the soil to shelter soil-dwelling insects, which eat large amounts of parasites (larvae, slugs, etc.), as well as earthworms that don't like heat or dry weather.
  • Do not use weed killer (or in an extremely localized way)
  • Leave wild plants in place, controlling their development
  • Do not mow too short (>7 cm)
  • Leave the first generations of parasites (aphids) to bring in the auxiliaries.
  • Set up shelters:nesting boxes, piles of rocks, wood, leaves, straw…

To be continued…