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Phyto hazard pictograms

Some of you have asked me the same question:why do two phytosanitary products, with the same active substance at the same concentration, not display the same hazard pictograms on the labels? , nor the same risk phrases.
Because it is not the same product! What you need to understand is that the hazard pictograms – for products authorized in gardens, the black cross and/or the dead tree and fish – indicate the dangerousness of the product, i.e. , active substance and formulants entering into the composition. It is the product as a whole that is studied and not just one of its components.

I take this opportunity to remind you that the hazard pictograms are accompanied by risk phrases worth reading and understanding. If it is specified:R 41 causes serious eye damage, I must understand that wearing protective glasses is strongly recommended, even if you are careful, an accident is by definition unforeseen.

Another indication is sometimes present on the products authorized in the gardens , (EAJ) especially for herbicides, it is the ZNT, the Non-Treatment Zone . The ZNT is the surface where it is forbidden to treat. Most of the time the ZNT is 5 meters between the water point and the surface that can be treated. By water points, we mean lakes, rivers, ditches, basins, swimming pools, wells… We measure the 5 meters starting from the water point as if it were filled to its maximum. Sometimes the ditches are empty, but they are still water points. You will have understood that we do not put pesticides within 5 m of the basins to safeguard aquatic organisms and those who live on the bank.

Phyto hazard pictograms

I pollute. Causes adverse effects on organisms in the aquatic environment

The other pictograms on

It should be noted that the mandatory information being numerous on a phyto product packaging, everything is written there small. Take a magnifying glass, put on your glasses, have someone else read the label, but don't miss the information, a known risk is avoidable.

To be continued…