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Phyto products and amateur gardener

Continued from "Can we do without pesticides in the garden? (3)" with safety tips. If you missed the first articles in the dossier, I invite you to read them by clicking on the following links:

  • What is a plant protection product?
  • How do plant protection products work?

Pesticides that can be used by the general public bear the label EAJ on the packaging:use authorized in gardens . Phyto professionals are prohibited for sale for enthusiasts. Nevertheless, the list of products authorized for the general public is reduced every year. You may have prohibited products in your home !

Classified products bear a pictogram indicating the risk(s) as well as a certain number of risk phases which are useful to read!

Phyto products and amateur gardener

Here are the two pictograms which indicate a danger for the user, the red diamond will soon replace the black cross.
Under the pictograms is indicated Xi and / or Xn meaning irritant and / or harmful. The risk phases are specified on the packaging, for example:

  • "eye irritant" specifies that the user must protect the eyes with suitable goggles
  • "harmful by inhalation" indicates that wearing a mask is mandatory.

Phytosanitary products canenter the body through the skin, the eyes, the respiratory tract, the mouth... It is essential to protect yourself from the preparation. Wearing "special treatment" gloves, made of nitrile , is strongly recommended before any contact with the product (or its packaging)
If the human body can eliminate some of the toxins, it is which freezes in the organs (liver, nerve cells…), bones, muscles, fat…
The consequences are numerous:burns, irritations, headaches, nausea…cancers.

How to avoid poisoning?

  • Do not eat, drink, smoke, phone or go to the bathroom during treatment
  • Wear protective clothing, hat, goggles, mask with A2P3 cartridge, Type 3 or 4 suit, nitrile gloves, boots.
  • Wash the gloves before to remove them
  • Wash your hands as soon as the treatment is finished (including cleaning the equipment)
  • Take a shower
  • Respect pre-harvest interval:number of days between processing and consumption of the fruit or vegetable.

Some think they look ridiculous with mask and glasses. I would simply say that ridiculousness does not kill unlike phytosanitary products .
There is also the possibility of not treating, and/or of doing so with less dangerous products. For man and for nature.

To be continued…