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5 tips for good organization

My advice for having a good organization

It's back to school and even though my studies are over for me, I wanted to write you a little organization article. You asked me a lot too, since it's kind of "my thing" to be organized . I'm not just going to tell you about organization in terms of school, work or personal life, but a little a mix of all three . I give you my tips to organize and optimize your time in order to be as efficient as possible.

I have been applying these tips for years and everything is going very well for me. I would even say better since I've been doing this and it's much more pleasant ! So I offer you five tips to better organize yourself. If you like this article, do not hesitate to let me know in the comments and I could do another one with 5 new tips.

Keep a diary

Casually, this is the most basic tip. but most important for its organization. If you're like me, remembering everything in your head is fine too. But I love writing everything down in my diary , my planner or on my phone. This allows me to be sure not to forget anything. But above all, I can hide these tasks, since they will be noted somewhere, to focus on something else .

Paper or electronic agenda, it's up to you. The main thing is that it suits you and you like it. Buy yourself a cute planner , use color codes, customize it , everything is good to make you want to work there. And above all, do not hesitate to make lists , the famous “To do list”, I spend my life doing it personally!

The “Notes” and “Reminders” applications

Surely these are the two applications that I use the most in my phone for my organization! My “Notes” are organized by theme, for example "Running", "Work", "Blog" so that I can easily categorize my ideas. As soon as something comes to mind, I write it immediately . Even if it means putting it back later in my diary or developing my idea a little more, if there is one (for example for blog articles).

“Reminders” are a bit like the diary but more concise. In the sense that I will only note little things such as “Think about defrosting the meat”, “Do the EDF reading”, etc… Small daily thoughtss . All the same, in this spirit of unloading your head as much as possible, you will see that it is a real driving force for concentration . If you don't like the too "connected" side the traditional post-it notes also work very well!

Optimize your time

It's kind of my number one rule ! As soon as something is added to my schedule, I try to think of other things that are already there or could be there. For example, if I have to make an appointment (pro or personal), I try to make according to the other appointments . Either take them one after the other if the places are close to save time.

Or, on the contrary, to space them out in the week so as not to clutter it too much and give me time for the rest of my tasks. Know that I definitely prefer to make my appointments in the morning . Because I find that the afternoons tend to pass more quickly and if it drags on, it could handicap you later on.

This advice is also valid for the organization of my personal time. If I have an errand downtown, I list all the others What should I do this week. Or even those that are not urgent and that I have not noted in my schedule. And I try to do everything in the same period. My afternoons in town often boil down to a specific route , from place to place to do my various shopping. In 2 hours it's over, I gain in time and in productivity .

Learn to anticipate

I'm one of those people who can't stand having to do things at the last moment . Maybe it's a lack of spontaneity , but it's mostly in my personality and my daily organization . And I must admit that it is as useful to me as it is to others. Do not wait until the last moment, especially for important things, limits stress . Don't be too lazy to do things all the time. Sometimes you have to know how to kick yourself in the butt!

You will see that you will be more than satisfied to be rid of it, but above all you will be proud of yourself . Even if it means bothering others, I don't care. You will see that they will then be as happy as you to have it done and to be able to move on.A simple example of anticipation that I apply on a daily basis:for the photos on the blog I often do several shootings at the same time, at the same time. This then allows me to sort and retouch the photos quietly. Besides, I often do it directly, without waiting, if I have the time.

View your tasks

Finally, this last tip is a bit more"visual" than the others. If we disregard the diaries, planner and mobile phone, the display is also a good time to manage your organization. Especially in work, I'm very bulletin board and list oriented. The first allows me to have before my eyes and at hand all important documents and or information that I use on a daily basis.

As for the lists, it's the first thing I do on Monday morning:my checklist for the week. It is also the first thing I look at and complete every day. Even for the organization of your blog or your private life, it allows you to always have a common thread , a guide to your week. In addition, it is always very motivating complete a task and tick or highlight it. Even if you add more, your goal is that, at the end of the week, there is nothing left. And believe me it boosts Friday morning!

I hope these organization tips have helped you