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3 Natural Fertilizers For Practical and Free Plants.

3 Natural Fertilizers For Practical and Free Plants.

Do you want to have beautiful plants in your garden?

But no question of using chemical fertilizers to boost them!

Fortunately, there is a great grandmother's trick to keep plants in top shape.

When you repot your plants, give them a little youthful look with the help of a fertilizer of natural origin and which will not cost you a penny!

The trick that all gardeners know is to use coffee grounds, banana peels or vegetable cooking water to enrich the soil of your plants.

3 Natural Fertilizers For Practical and Free Plants.

1. Coffee grounds

Before thinking about bringing your plants home, don't forget to add some coffee grounds to your potting soil.

This is a very nutritious element that also acts as an insect repellent.

Subsequently, you can also occasionally add it to the surface of the soil of your plants. When watering, the nutrients will descend directly to the roots, rather effective, right?

2. Banana peel

Did you know that banana peel is also a very good fertilizer for your plantations?

Cut the banana peel into pieces and place it in the bottom of your plants pot. Rich in potassium, it is an excellent 100% natural and very practical fertilizer!

3. The cooking water

Yes, the cooking water you use for vegetables can be used to water indoor plants.

The mineral salts contained in this magic potion will make your plants happy if it is not too hot or too salty.

Your turn...

What type of fertilizer do you use to win your plants? Have you ever tried any of these three natural fertilizers? Tell us without further delay in the comments.