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prophylactic method

They cling to your sneakers, only let go when you've taken several steps and the soles of your shoes are weighed down with a few grams of soil.
But who are these opportunistic stowaways? All the micro-dwellers of the soil that lodge in the clods of earth and that you carry between the spikes of your boots; fungus spores, bacteria, nematodes, soil-dwelling insect eggs...
All this discreet little world takes advantage of the gardener to go and see what is going on elsewhere.
Yes, we are pest dispersers. This is why it is important to wash your tools, garden shoes and other clothes well so as not to proliferate undesirables. Cleanliness is a sometimes forgotten prophylactic method.

Everyone to the bucket of water before we go home! Let's wash the tools before changing the bed, bed, disinfect the secateurs and the cutting tools before operating on a new shrub. Simple gestures; simple to make, to understand and so effective.