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How to Fight Caterpillars in the Garden?

How to Fight Caterpillars in the Garden?

Caterpillars invaded your garden?

Are you looking for THE method to get rid of it?

It's over here!

Do you have a nice garden but the caterpillars take it too much?

Here's how to get rid of caterpillars quickly and naturally:

A magical mixture

To make them run away in the blink of an eye, the trick is to mix water and black soap (or Marseille soap) in a spray bottle.

Then spray this soapy water on the place savagely taken hostage by the caterpillars, and presto, we're done talking about it!

Aphids as a bonus

This radical method also works against aphids which tend to stagnate on rose leaves.

For my part, I have not yet had the opportunity to test this method, but the various opinions of Internet users seem to approve it.

Your turn...

And you, have you ever used this trick to drive caterpillars out of your garden? Do you have another method to scare away the caterpillars?

Feel free to share it with us in the comments.