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Winter work, disinfection and snow

Winter work. Now is the time for preparations. If the soil was amended in the fall, the gardener will shape it for future plantings. It will also check the expiration dates listed on seed packets and will place their orders. But it is a most important job, which unfortunately is sometimes overlooked. It is a prophylactic method , understand prevention against diseases and other parasitic attacks:disinfection.

Disinfection of tools and materials

Winter work, disinfection and snow

secateurs disinfection

Pots, buckets, planters, balconies but also saucers will be rid of their old soil by washing with soapy water, followed by disinfection.

The white vinegar is ideal, easy to handle and inexpensive, it is a very good descaler and disinfectant.

And to prevent the spread of parasites , everything must be soured:blade of cutting tools (secateurs, hedge trimmer, chainsaw, etc.), stakes and bamboos serving as stakes, frames and window panes, wintering and forcing veil, salad bells… in short , all the utensils used for cultivation.

If it is a winter cultural activity which consists in ridding the bark of trees of all harmful organisms by spraying paraffinic oil, this cleaning may well not be of much use if the spread of fungus and other bacteria were accentuated by dirty tools .

How many attacks of mildew or red spider mites on tomatoes are favored by the installation of infested stakes and ties spores or eggs invisible to the naked eye but present. The recovery of strings that have already been used can be dangerous if these links are not disinfected.

Natural gardening means implementing all possible cultural actions to limit the use of pesticides, commonly called chemical inputs. Disinfection of tools and equipment must be systematic before further use.

Winter work, disinfection and snow

mite bites on tomatoes

Make it snow!

To avoid breakage, it is urgent to snow fall by shaking the branches before the weight of the snow does damage.

Winter work, disinfection and snow