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Arrange your vegetable garden

My acquaintances and those around me swear by 100% organic and ecological products, freshly picked from their respective gardens. To follow their example, I decided to create my own little vegetable garden.

The location and size of his vegetable garden

And the first step is choosing its location. But fortunately, I don't have a problem on that side, because I still have enough waste space in my exterior. In addition, unlike in the past, the vegetable garden is no longer installed in a place far from the eyes of the curious and visitors. Indeed, today, small squares of vegetables find their place in front of houses in the same way as flower beds and ornamental gardens, especially since the vegetable patch is intended to be very aesthetic.

However, if you want a productive vegetable garden, the location must still meet many conditions, namely fertile land, good sun exposure and shelter from the wind. This is why I preferred to ask the advice of a gardener friend. But rest assured, even if you don't have a large garden, or if you live in an apartment, you can still set up a small vegetable garden on your balcony or on a terrace, or even indoors.

But already, uneven and steep terrain should be avoided, or even plots of land near a tree. For my part, as many pickings are to be expected, I favored a location just a few steps from my house, for quick access. And regarding its dimensions, 40 to 50 square meters are ideal for a first vegetable garden. With this surface, I can already plant carrots, lettuces, tomatoes and of course aromatics for the kitchen.

The layout and plan of your vegetable garden

Above all, remember that your vegetable plants need to be watered regularly. Hence the need to plant your planting squares not far from a water point, or even a source of electricity, if a pump is used. These questions settled, I will finally be able to devote myself to the plan of my future vegetable garden. Many possibilities are thus offered to me, but to make my task easier, I have chosen mini-vegetable gardens in a square.

For that, I already have to draw my squares on the ground and then delimit these small plots of land using formwork boards:voila! Why this craze for the square vegetable garden? Simply because compared to online vegetable gardens, those in squares do not require a lot of maintenance, especially in terms of weeding. In addition, I can also assign each square a variety of vegetables and aromatic plants.

But regardless of the configuration of your vegetable garden, the golden rule is to separate your planting squares with small paths where you can move freely. And for vegetable varieties, I advise you to start with tomatoes, radishes and green beans. These vegetables are very easy to grow. Afterwards, you can tackle leeks, salads, eggplants and peppers. Cucurbits such as cucumbers and pickles also grow very easily.