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No real vacation? This makes time at home just as nice

The coronavirus has thwarted holiday plans for many people. Now we have to make the best of it, because canceling the holiday and moving it to a later date depends on the good will of the employer. Here are some suggestions for spending your vacation at home.

1. Get started with paperwork

The pile of invoices and other important documents has been growing steadily for months. The holiday photos from the past few years are waiting to be sorted on the computer. Now you can take care of it in peace.

2. Clean up your home

Many use the time to do some household chores. Cleaning the windows and washing the curtains, scrubbing the oven squeaky clean and sorting out garments that have not been worn for a long time not only have a positive effect on your own satisfaction. You can make other people happy with the things you no longer want.

3. Start with big projects

Professionals are also feeling the consequences of the current crisis. Many orders and projects have been canceled or at least postponed. Anyone who has long planned to paint the walls, renovate the bathroom or renew the terrace can now do it and get offers.

4. Learning something new

What tricks does a professional chef use to give his dishes that little bit extra? How do you order the next pizza in fluent Italian? And how do you follow in the footsteps of Carlos Santana with the guitar? Digitization answers these questions:online courses, webinars and tutorials.

5. Go exercise

There is now plenty of time for personal fitness and the internet is an endless source of inspiration. Many gyms are currently making parts or their entire range available at discounted prices or even for free. In addition, many adult education centers have put their courses online and small local fitness studios offer their courses as a live stream on YouTube.

6. Reduce the pile of books

A glass of wine, a good book and your favorite background music are the right ingredients for a quiet evening at home. Reduce the pile of books you have lying around and enjoy reading.

7. Enjoy wellness

You can also experience an unusually relaxing holiday at home:with a few candles, a nice bubble bath and a homemade face mask, your bathroom will become a wellness oasis in no time at all.

8. Take a vacation

And what if the holiday feeling at home is a bit lacking? Then the tent in the garden or in the living room, the right holiday clothes, a sun lounger and a homemade cocktail provide a pleasant atmosphere. If you long for France, Italy or Spain, you can imagine yourself there with a culinary bouillabaisse, pasta or paella.