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This is how you add 'Lagom' to your home

The Swedish term "lagom" (pronounced lar-gom) means "just the right amount"; "Not too much, not too little." It comes from the expression "lagom är bäst" which means "the right amount is best", and is about achieving balance, moderation, sustainable living, watching spending and being content with what we have.

Lagom is not just about lifestyle; it extends to our homes as well. A balanced home means living sustainably, creating less waste, creating less clutter and embracing all things natural; from plants to light. In short, embracing lagom will lead to greater well-being and happiness at home, while also benefiting the environment and your bank balance.

Here are some tips to create 'Lagom' at home.

Embrace Balanced Colors

Your home should be a retreat, a place to relax, and choosing a soothing color scheme – cool greens, calming blues, and pale or pastels – encourages us to relax and recover. Try mixing white or gray walls and solid wood floors with pops of color from pillows, lamps and rugs for a clean Scandi style.

Remember:less is more

A messy house is a no-go when it comes to lagom. You need a space that balances and elevates and endless piles of laundry, piles of old magazines and clutter won't suffice. Be inspired by Marie Kondo's book, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, and make time for good tidying up. Work room by room and watch your home transform, the result will be a more pleasant place to spend time and you will feel refreshed and happy.

Add green

This is how you add  Lagom  to your home

Plants are an inexpensive yet simple way to bring the outdoors in and add a touch of nature to your home. They also brighten up living spaces and help keep the air clean. Aloe vera, spider plants and hole plants are easy to care for. Or add a selection of cacti with a mix of metal and terracotta pots. For a pop of color, try adding an orchid or a flower box in the spring.

Let there be light

This is how you add  Lagom  to your home

Try to use less energy in your home by making the most of natural light. Keep window sills clear of clutter and move furniture that blocks the sun's rays. Dark curtains can also be exchanged for lighter ones or removed completely, in time for summer. It's also worth switching to LED bulbs which use 85% less energy than incandescent bulbs, making them super efficient and durable.

Recycle and reuse

This is how you add  Lagom  to your home

Being frugal and thrifty is also part of lagom. Your furniture doesn't have to be brand new; you can find some second-hand treasures at thrift stores that add character and charm to a home. Upcycle projects can be immensely rewarding. Choose natural and sustainable materials whenever possible, such as linen, cotton, wool and wood, and consider how the items were produced before purchasing – the more environmentally friendly and sustainable, the better.

Invest in important pieces

Lagom focuses on frugality, but it's also about spending wisely and choosing a one-time investment, rather than updating your home every season. Going against a throwaway culture, Lagom encourages us to be selective about what we want to put in our homes, so choose items based on their usefulness and function as well as their beauty. It is worth spending a little more on larger household items such as sofas, dining tables, cabinets and sideboards to ensure better quality as these will last much longer and save time and money from regularly purchasing poor quality items. quality.