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Workspace at home:tips for a nice workplace at home

Keeping work and private life separate may be possible if you work outside the home. But when you work from home, you notice that things get mixed up rather quickly. Sometimes difficult, but often very pleasant. For example, my daughter regularly tinkers here while I'm at work myself. And on top of that, there are currently 4 cuddly kittens squirming around the office. All that cosiness and productivity, your workspace at home must of course be suitable for that. In this blog you can read my tips to create a workspace at home where you can work hard, but where there is also room for fun every now and then!

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Workspace at home

Working from home sounds like ideal for many people. Still, it has both pros and cons. In addition, your house must of course also meet certain requirements. But if you have the right space, working from home can really be a godsend. And cozy too!

What requirements should a workspace at home actually meet? Of course it partly depends on what kind of work you have. But there are some universal things that all working people could really use. From light to cosiness in the office when it comes to office furnishings! And that is my aim for our new office space!

What does a home workspace need?

We are about to give our own home office a major overhaul. After the move, the office was not immediately a priority, but now my hands are starting to itch. What are we going to do with our workspace at home?

Personal space &work space

First, I'm moving my workspace to one of the largest rooms in the house 😉 . The former barn! Now a dark cave, but soon to be cosy.

If you have the opportunity, make sure you have plenty of space to work. This is not only more pleasant, but also more efficient. Provide sufficient storage space, but also sufficient work surface. For example, in my new office I not only want a long table where I can work and study, but also a craft table for my girl. So that my own desk is not always full of craft supplies, and she also has all the space to do crafts in mom's office. And for crafting girls and blogging moms, there are even more points important in our new home workspace.

1. Workspace at home? Provide sufficient light!

Very important in a workspace:sufficient light. If possible, sufficient daylight is the best option. I myself have chosen to replace the 2 garage doors that are now in my workspace with glass fronts. They will be posted next week! As a result, an enormous amount of light suddenly enters – good for productivity and concentration. I love light in the house and always notice that my mood improves immediately with sufficient daylight. Especially during dark days.

If you do not have the possibility to provide extra daylight in your workspace at home, make sure that your office is well lit by means of artificial light (and preferably via a beautiful lamp such as the Seletti monkey lamp.

2. Sanitary facilities, a water cooler and good coffee!

I hardly receive business relations or customers at home. Very occasionally a customer comes home or video recordings are made, but not often. If that is the case, it would be nice if you also have separate sanitary facilities for the business part. Think of a separate toilet and, for example, a kitchenette. Let's just be lucky that that is also available in my workspace at home. Also handy:a water cooler with which you can always offer your guests (and yourself) a fresh drink and of course an excellent coffee machine for the tastiest capuccino. Even if no customers come over, a good cup of coffee is still important 😉 .

3. Fresh air

Always make sure your workspace is well ventilated. Fresh air is important anyway, especially in your workspace. Open a window regularly. And did you know that plants also improve air quality and purify the air? Oh, and plants have another nice side effect… They also make it a lot more fun!

4. Cosiness and a quiet base!

At the moment the floor in my new workspace at home is still a simple concrete garage floor. I'm a bit in doubt:are we really going to use something different on the floor, such as laminate, or should I keep this floor as a surface? Maybe paint with concrete paint and finish it off with a nice large rug? I really like the combination of industrial and wood and a concrete floor fits perfectly with it of course. What would you do? I'm going to put that big rug down anyway. In fact, I just got confirmation from Volero that it's shipped, woohoo. I'll show you more about it soon of course!

Either way, make sure your workspace is cozy and appealing to you. It has been scientifically proven:people who feel comfortable in their workplace are a lot more productive.