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14 Essential Everyday Home Tips.

14 Essential Everyday Home Tips.

I don't know about you... But I am constantly looking for looking for little tips that will make my life easier.

As a busy mom, saving time and saving money are both important to me.

Over the years, I have discovered quite a few little tricks.

They help me save time and money.

Today, I reveal to you the 14 that I use the most on a daily basis:

14 Essential Everyday Home Tips.

1. Unroll stretch film easily

If you're like me, you come close to fainting every time you have to tear stretch wrap. It adheres to everything it touches and impossible to stretch it properly!

The solution ? Store it in the freezer. You'll see what it's like to unroll a piece with complete peace of mind. Check out the trick here.

2. Removing chewing gum from hair

Did you stick chewing gum in your hair? Ouch!

But do not panic ! Dip the wick that has chewing gum in Coke so that it comes off on its own.

3. Cool a can in 3 min

Here's how to cool your can VERY quickly:

It's very simple. Put your can in a container (a saucepan or basin, for example.) Then fill it with ice cubes. Finally, add 4 tablespoons of salt and a little water. Wait 3 min and enjoy your cold drink!

4. Store your ice cream without ice wrap

I love ice cream. But sometimes when I take it out of the freezer, it's covered in a film of freezing water.

Here's the solution:cover the ice cream with parchment paper before putting the lid back on!

This will prevent condensation from forming. Result, finished this horrible crust of ice!

5. Keep bananas longer

When you buy bananas, separate them. Bananas ripen much faster when stuck together.

6. Reduce drying time

Put 1 or 2 tennis balls in the drawer of your dryer with your wet laundry.

I don't know why it works, but it cuts drying time by 25%! And in addition, it softens the clothes :-)

7. Remove lipstick stains

Lipstick stains are tough. But no need to buy an adequate stain remover. Try Vaseline which works very well.

Here's how:Remove most of the lipstick with a cloth. Try not to spread the stain any further. Then, spread petroleum jelly on the stain to cover it well. Scrape and wait a few minutes before putting the laundry in the washing machine.

8. Keep yoghurts longer

Here's a simple tip:store them upside down in the fridge. This is also true for cottage cheese and fresh cream.

9. Remove lumps from your powdered sugar

Is your powdered sugar full of lumps? Store it in the fridge for 24 hours. You will be surprised by the result.

10. Cut a pizza easily

Use large scissors to cut your pizza. It works even better than pizza cutters. And, in addition, we cut clean slices without moving the melted cheese on the pizza.

11. A clipboard to finish the toothpaste to the end

Your tube of toothpaste is at the end of its career? A clip will do the trick to hold it and finish the tube without leaving a drop.

12. Tape to remove splinters

A splinter to remove from your finger? Take a piece of tape and stick it on the splinter. It doesn't work every time, but it's still a good trick.

13. A bobbin tab to hang a frame

Want to hang a frame that doesn't have a hook? Use a bobbin tab.

14. Prevent potatoes from sprouting

Put an apple in your bag of potatoes. This will prevent the potato from sprouting. This one, it was Mum who taught me :-)

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips to save money and make your life easier? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!