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This is how you prevent nuisance from mosquitoes

Summer is the most fun time of the year when it comes to sun, light, warmth and spending time outside. But it's also the time when mosquitoes and flies enter your house, and that makes it all a bit less fun. Mosquitoes are not only annoying because of the irritating noises and painful bites, but they can also transmit serious diseases. It is therefore important to keep them out. If you want to avoid a nuisance from mosquitoes but you don't want to use harsh chemicals or insect repellents, here are five tips with natural solutions.

Use a natural insecticide

When you hear the word insecticide, you probably immediately think of a chemical. Did you know there are other options? For a natural alternative to mosquito control, you have a few options. For example, you can use essential oil-based repellents. Essential oil is a natural process that is very effective against mosquitoes. Essential oils are extracted from plants and are therefore 100% natural. Different scents are available, but for mosquitoes and insects, the scents Tea Tree oil, lemongrass, eucalyptus, lemon, orange and bergamot are perfect. At least an hour before going to sleep, put 5 to 7 drops of essential oil in an aroma diffuser, open your bedroom door slightly and the mosquitoes will go out of your bedroom. Mosquitoes do not like essential oil with these scents.

Make sure there is no standing water anywhere

Standing water is a popular breeding ground for mosquitoes, where they lay their eggs. But it's easy to overlook places where water can collect and go undetected. Think of toys left on the balcony (or in the garden), plates under your flower pots, a rain barrel or a bucket. Children's pools can also attract mosquitoes. Change the water regularly in, for example, outdoor pools for birds and pet food bowls, so that the water cannot stagnate.

Keep mosquitoes out of your house

You should do your best to prevent the mosquitoes from entering your house. Use insect screens to keep the pests out of your home while letting in a summer breeze. And make sure there are no holes or gaps. Prevent mosquitoes from entering your home with a few simple precautions:
Close the door immediately upon entering, especially on warm, humid evenings.
Make sure there are no holes in your screens and do not open windows that are not are equipped with mosquito nets.

Use a mosquito net

Do you not have screens or do they not fit on your windows and the mosquitoes do come in? Then a good mosquito net with very small holes can be recommended for a good night's sleep. With a mosquito net you protect your bed and your body against the mosquitoes. Make sure that the mosquito net is long and large enough, so that the mosquitoes cannot fly under the mosquito net. And keep in mind that it will get a little warmer in bed.

Choose plants wisely

While most plants will undoubtedly attract insects, some attract more than others. When choosing a plant, whether indoor or outdoor, be sure to examine it to ensure it is not attractive to insects. Mosquito repellent plants are also available such as lavender and catnip. Please note that some plants such as catnip are not suitable for a home with pets.