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Orchid and cochineal:12 tips to eliminate the parasite of our favorite plant!

Mealybugs are the number one enemy of orchids ! These small pests, which are particularly invasive in gardens and on indoor plants, show up as soon as Spring arrives, when the climate is hot and humid. They lay their eggs and hideamong the roots ,under the leaves and even cling to stems . Once in place, they sting the plant, take its sap to feed and then deposit a waxy white and sticky substance, not without consequences.

Cochineals and orchids:tough pests!

Mealybug attacks can definitely doom your orchid . By invading the plant, they alter its growth and promote the proliferation of a very harmful black fungus, called sooty mold . From then on, a kind of black soot develops on the leaves, which weakens the orchid .

Cochineals and orchids:how to get rid of these parasites permanently?

When an orchid is attacked by mealybugs you have to react as quickly as possible! The first thing to do is to quarantine your infected orchids. This will prevent contamination of your other plants. Then, you have several options to treat your orchid in the best way . If you see scale insects with the naked eye, small insects measuring between 1 and 5 mm with a shell, gently remove them with a cloth. Also be sure to change the substrate of your plant so that it is healthy. Finally, to deeply treat a sick orchid , useblack soap or white vinegar . With these tips, mealybugs will no longer resist you.

Discover in our slideshow all our tips for dislodging scale insects from an orchid.

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