You certainly know that our friends the bees are disappearing.
However, it is they who produce our honey, this nectar of the gods with multiple virtues.
In addition, their pollination activity is essential to preserve the biodiversity of our planet.
Here are 6 simple actions to save our honey and the planet.
And I replace them with natural treatments:nettle manure, Bordeaux mixture, natural fertilizer, etc.
I choose flowers that contain nectar, such as rosemary, honeysuckle, lavender, hawthorn, abelia…
I can put them in planters or spread them over my lawn. It is also advisable not to cut the grass too short and to let the small flowers flourish there.
The bees will be able to dilute the honey and refresh the hive thanks to this water point. The bowl of water that I put for the birds in the summer is also used for the bees. The water should be changed regularly.
Again, nothing too complicated. A pile of dead wood, stones or wilted stems left at the bottom of the garden will do just fine. It is also possible to install a real birdhouse, in a small house open on one side where I slide hollow stems of plants.
Know that only 10 Asian hornets are enough to destroy an entire hive! So I think of my little friends the bees and I contact the town hall of my municipality as soon as I see one at the top of a tree.
Whether you are a business or an individual, it is possible.
Sponsor a beehive to protect and safeguard the bees! In exchange, you will receive the delicious honey produced by your hive (6 jars per year, at the price of 16 € per jar).
The benefits of honey and its healing properties no longer need to be demonstrated.
Rich in nutrients, antiseptic, healing and anti-inflammatory, it is also delicious on toast or to sweeten my tea.
Personally, I always have a big jar of it at home, which doesn't last very long, I love it so much!
In comparison, it is much better for your health than refined industrial sugar. It is less caloric and more natural to sweeten a yoghurt for example.
It also turns out to be more economical , because it has a higher sweetening power than ordinary sugar. So no need to put tons.
This delicious nectar comes from foraging activity bees. While foraging, they carry pollen from flower to flower, thus allowing the fertilization and reproduction of plant species.
If bees were to disappear completely, the impact would be catastrophic on world agriculture. Agricultural production would decrease, resulting in higher food prices .
Not to mention the devastating consequences on biodiversity. I do not want to be alarmist, but some even think that in the long term, it is the survival of the human species that would be threatened.
Fortunately, together we can act!