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Orchid:12 tips for watering your favorite plant!

The Orchid is one of the most popular plants that we like to offer or to be offered. Synonymous with seduction, they adorn our interiors with their colorful leaves and long refined stems. If you love orchids, you still need to know how to pamper them . In summer, we tend not to know how and how often to water them. to preserve them. Between heat and holiday departures , we give you all the little tips to help your orchid bloom and stay beautiful all season and much more.

Orchid:how to water this plant properly?

If you are lucky enough to be the proud owner of an orchid , there are a few things you need to know at all costs to avoid damaging it. The orchid does not like to be watered from above. It is best to soak it for about ten minutes in a basin of water to water it. Being a plant that requires delicacy, opt for a mister to keep her hydrated rather than a watering can. The orchid is not a big fan of limestone. The ideal would be to collect rainwater to water it, but if you do not have the possibility, add a few drops of lemon juice to your tap water for a guaranteed anti-limestone effect. You will also choose a warm water swim to preserve it. Finally, if you go on vacation for a fortnight, don't panic, your orchid will survive. To allow him to hold on in your absence, you will make him take a bath and place it in a flowerpot at the bottom of which you will have put a few balls of clay with water to keep her well hydrated. Since she'll stay in a damp, cool room, she won't dehydrate as quickly as when you're there and letting the heat in.

Orchids:how often to water them?

The orchid is not a plant that needs to be watered every day . How often you water your orchid will depend on where it is located. The more humid the room, the less you will need to water it. One watering every 7 to 10 days is sufficient when it is in bloom, then once flowering has come to an end, switch to every 15 days or even 3 weeks. The burmizer will help you humidify your plant, especially in hot weather. When the air is dry, do not hesitate to moisten its leaves 3 times a day to keep her hydrated without drowning her. For your watering to be effective, it is important that your orchids are repotted. The roots must have enough space to grow, so do not hesitate to expand their little house. Plus, putting your orchid in a clear pot will let you know when exactly, it needs to be watered. Indeed, tojudge the lack of hydration of your orchid, you just have to look at its roots. If they're green, wait a little longer to water it, but if the roots are turning gray, then it's time for a swim.

Orchids:little tips for perfect maintenance

If flowers in general need sun to grow well, to preserve your orchid, make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. This could dry it out more quickly and therefore affect its well-being. Preferred a bright place in the room other than a windowsill. The orchid does not need any fertilizer to grow well, especially since those sold commercially are sometimes unsuitable for our indoor plants. The dust present on the leaves of the orchids can prevent it from breathing well. Using a cloth, remove the dust delicately to preserve its beauty.