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10 tips to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks in the garden naturally

Summer is wonderful but also brings with it mosquitoes and ticks. But there is no need to use heavy chemicals to eradicate these bloodthirsty pests. To safely enjoy the garden, here are 10 tips to eliminate mosquitoes and ticks naturally.

1. Wear light and neutral colored clothes: Mosquitoes are attracted to things of nature, such as imitating the colors of flowers, leaves or animals. Go for white, khaki or beige.

2. Go natural: Avoid perfume or any products containing fragrances.

3. Stay cool: Sweat and carbon dioxide from exhalation are mosquito beacons. Fire also releases carbon dioxide. So, limit candles to citronella and wait with the fire pits and bonfires until fall.

4. Cover up: Mosquitoes are most attracted to areas where the skin is thinner and blood vessels are closer to the surface, such as the ears, wrists and ankles. It's hard in the summer, but if you're near water or in the woods, wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks. When walking through tall grass, put the pants in socks to prevent ticks from crawling on the legs.

5. Use repellents: Opt for natural, non-toxic, botanical repellents that must be reapplied approximately every thirty minutes to remain effective.

6. Treat the hot spots of the garden: Also for the garden use natural means to repel pests. Natural pest control is safe for children, pets, and pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

7. Minimize standing water: A mosquito needs water for two phases of its life cycle. Keep rain gutters clear and unblocked. Remove old tires, buckets, plastic bags, or other containers. Empty and put clean water in birdbaths, fountains, swimming pools, rain barrels and potted plants at least once a week.

8. Prune or remove overgrown vegetation: Mosquitoes are shade lovers. Eliminate shady spots in two ways. First, clean and/or clear overgrown areas. Second, prune trees and shrubs around the lawn to allow more sunlight.

9. Use yellow lights outdoors. This color is not very attractive to insects.

10. Plant mosquito repellent plants. These include scented geraniums, lemon thyme, marigold, tansy, citrosa plants, basil and/or sassafras near the home.