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Indoor plants:these super effective tips for cleaning the leaves of our favorite flowers

If the plants are watered, good maintenance also involves cleaning. For our favorite flower to live a beautiful and fulfilling life in our living room, it must be pampered. However, we neglect a little too much the impact of dust on his well-being. This prevents the sheet from absorbing light , therefore to form chlorophyll, thereforeto green. We reassure you, for your plant to do well, it's nothing to complicate. A few little tricks from grandmothers are enough to clean the leaves of plants. We warn you in advance, some are sometimes surprising.

Cleaning plant leaves:these simple and effective tips

Dusting off your plants can intrigue us. Should we use products like our wooden furniture? Do we use a cloth, or rather the vacuum cleaner? Well none of that. Our plants deserve a very special treatment, and in the event of great evils, great remedies. If you like having a beer after work on Fridays, so does your plant. A simplerag soaked in lager can make leaves shine while ridding them of dust. With indoor plants that are not afraid of a good bath , put the tray directly in the shower and wash your plant. Then simply let the leaves dry before putting them back in their place. Your plants will also love milk , to shine with a thousand lights. If your plants are fluffy, opt for a soft bristle brush to clear them of dust. Between olive oil , hair dryer and beer/milk mix , you will not lack allies to pamper the leaves of your plants. It is important not to use a cotton cloth or a fluffy accessory. This can leave residue like lint, and lead to the totally opposite result to the one desired.