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Furnish a new house? Follow these tips!

I don't have much experience with it in recent years, but in my past I have had a lot to do with the design of new houses. Not the complete interior, but a large part of the practical interior. At the time, in my job for a construction company, I had weekly conversations with buyers of our new-build homes. About more and less work. About the bathroom, the kitchen and the possibilities for moving walls and stucco and the like. I assisted them with advice and assistance in the furnishing of their new-build home and all the questions that come with it. Wonderful to do when I think about it. Here's a list for those who are going to furnish a new house and want some practical tips and tricks.

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Installation-new-build-home? Take these tips to heart!

I can hear you thinking.. the furnishing of a new house and an existing house do not differ from each other, do they? But that's not quite right. The big difference is already in the way you view the house. You cannot walk through a newly built house. If you have bought an existing house, you have already walked around it during the viewing. Then you have seen exactly how large the spaces are and what the options are. You may have even seen the furnishings of the current residents, which you can be inspired by. This does not apply to a new house. You have to get an impression from paper. And with a bit of luck you are dealing with a real estate party or broker who can show something in 3D, but the chance is not that great yet.

Have you bought a new-build house and are you looking for inspiration for the interior? Then keep the following tips in mind.

Look at the map well and then you see other possibilities

Normally, most people who buy a new-build home buy a home from a property developer through the real estate agent. That house has already been conceived and drawn by the architect in question. He has thought of where the living room is, where the kitchen will be and how the bathroom and toilet are arranged in the rooms. Secretly, such an architect often devises part of the interior and drawings are then made of it. He already puts a corner sofa in the living room and arranges the kitchen as he sees fit. For you -as a newcomer to the project- it can be very difficult to look beyond these drawings. Many people only see what is on paper, and can no longer see through it.

That is a shame, because such a new-build house often has more options in terms of furnishing than you think. Take a good look at the floor plan of your new-build home. Not only the dimensions, but also the possibilities. For example, non-load-bearing partition walls can often be removed. Or in the case of a house that has yet to be built, you can simply omit the wall.

Get started decorating your new-build-home on paper

Do you want to know how your current furniture fits in your new-build home in terms of furnishing? Then make a floor plan of your new-build house so that you can already place the furnishings in it. Draw your sofa, your cabinets, coffee table and all the other big things you have on paper and cut them out. With this loose furniture made of paper you can easily slide over your floor plan. Keep in mind that you draw everything on the correct scale, otherwise the insight obtained will of course not be correct.

This way you can see at a glance whether the design you have in mind for your home will actually fit.

Electra and lighting

Have you thought about how you might want to place your furniture? Also take a good look at the electricity in your new home. Undoubtedly, the necessary electricity has already been provided, but it may just be that you can use extra electricity points due to a different layout. Or in other places. In any case, make sure that you have the sockets lowered if this is not already done by default. That really does look a lot quieter. We now have to lower all the sockets in our house before the plasterer came in. That's quite a bit of work, but I'm super happy with it.

And when you're working on the sockets, think about the lighting. Have you already thought about where you want to make the seating area and where you put your favorite chair? Then you can also look where you want lighting. Don't just think about the standard ceiling lighting, but also about any wall lighting or a track spot if you like that. See what kind of light is required for each location. You may want cozy mood lighting in your seating area, but also a reading lamp. And should the lamps above your dining table give you a bright light or not? Everything depends on what you want to do in certain places in your house. And it is great when furnishing your new-build house if the light points are already placed in the right place during construction.

Tip:are you a music lover? Then installing electricity for the boxes might also be a smart idea!

Create a moodboard for the-decoration of your new-build house

If you also want new furniture and, for example, a new kitchen or bathroom, make a mood board. With a mood board you give yourself an overview of the colors you want to use, but also the materials you want to work with. You can make a mood board 'on paper' where you take pictures from (home) magazines and stick them on. You can supplement this with, for example, colors from a color chart, or a piece of fabric from the curtains or inbetweens that you have in mind. See a beautiful piece of furniture in one of the magazines that you absolutely love? Cut it out and stick it on.

A mood board brings peace of mind because it allows you to work with what you have already thought of in the coming months. You start working more constructively than doing it all in your head. And it's fun to do too.

What are you going to do with the floor in your new-build-home?

If you buy an existing house, it often already has a floor in it. The question is, of course, whether you want to keep that floor, but most people only think about a different furnishing while you always have to lay a new floor with a new-build house. Start with the base, and that is your floor. A wall is easy to paint over, but with a floor you have to take a lot longer!

What kind of floor do you want? If you are going to choose a new floor, think about the material you would like and the color that matches your mood board. And do you want to lay the new floor throughout your house, or do you want something different in the kitchen than in the living room? Also don't forget to think about whether or not underfloor heating is possible and whether your favorite floor can be combined with underfloor heating.

First the furniture, then the accessories

This should actually be your order when furnishing your new-build home (or any other home for that matter). You start with the large furniture in each room. When you have made your choice, you slowly start looking further at the matching accessories. I won't lie… I regularly do it the other way around, but that means that I also regularly have accessories that no longer fit in the room. Sin of course. Are you looking for accessories in a certain style? For example, look at a website such as OTTO where they have classified all products per living style.

Mix and match; old and new create your own style!

Don't think that now that you are moving you have to have everything new. Of course it's nice to put something new in your new home, but don't forget your own personal items. That funny vintage chair that belonged to your grandmother, for example. Or that painting that is actually not really beautiful, but is unique. Everything completely new gives you a showroom house and no one is waiting for that. Your house should be your home and you can only create a nice home by giving your own things a nice place.

I wish you every success with the furnishing of your new house or the new house that you have bought. Do you have any other tips? Feel free to add to my story!