Fed up with those flies invading the house?
It is true that it is particularly annoying!
But no need to buy an electric fly lamp...
Let alone an insecticide full of chemicals to kill them.
Fortunately, here are 15 natural tips and tricks to effectively get rid of those unwanted flies .
And no worries, all of this fly stuff is 100% natural and very economical. No more house infested with flies!
1. Cut a lemon in two.
2. Stitch each of the two parts with a fifteen cloves.
3. Put half a lemon in each piece.
Discover the trick here.
1. Take an apple.
2. Plant 20 to 30 cloves in the apple.
3. Place the apple in the middle of the table.
Discover the trick here.
1. Take a braid of garlic.
2. Hang it by the window or by the door.
Discover the trick here.
1. Take several small containers.
2. Heat some white vinegar.
3. Fill the containers with warm white vinegar.
4. Place them on their favorite passages.
Discover the trick here.
- 1 liter of cider vinegar (or white vinegar).
- 20 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 20 drops of basil essential oil
- 20 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of washing-up liquid
- 1 spray bottle
1. Pour all the ingredients into the spray bottle.
2. Mix well.
3. Spray.
Discover the trick here.
1. Take a good sized onion.
2. Cook it for a few minutes in boiling water.
3. Once it has cooled, remove the peels.
4. Stuff it with cloves.
5. Place the onion in the room where the flies are.
Discover the trick here.
- large bag with zip
- water
- yellow pieces
1. Fill the bag with water (half or full).
2. Put some yellow coins in the bag.
3. Close the bag.
4. Hang the bag high up where you want to keep flies away.
Discover the trick here.
1. Clean out your trash can first.
2. Then sprinkle two tablespoons of baking soda on the bottom.
3. Put the garbage bag in the bin.
4. Sprinkle two tablespoons of baking soda this time in the bag.
5. As soon as bad odors appear, sprinkle a spoon of baking soda on the garbage.
Discover the trick here.
1. Pick fresh tomato leaves.
2. Arrange them in a bouquet on the table.
Discover the trick here.
- 250 ml of white vinegar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 10 drops of washing-up liquid
- spray bottle
1. Put the white vinegar in the bottle.
2. Add the cinnamon stick.
3. Pour in the washing-up liquid.
4. Close the bottle and shake well.
5. Let the cinnamon steep in the white vinegar for two hours.
6. Spray throughout the house including:window sills, doors, tables, kitchen counters and cupboards...
Discover the trick here.
1. Choose the right herbs.
2. Free essential oils.
3. Leave to infuse.
4. Add the witch hazel.
5. Put in a spray.
Discover the trick here.
1 . Put banana pieces and fruit peels in a small box.
2 . Stretch cling film over it and make a small hole in the center (just big enough for a fly to pass through).
3 . After a few hours, the flies are trapped.
4 . All you have to do is put the lid back on to lock them inside.
Discover the trick here.
1. Collect dried lavender.
2. Put it in small fabric bags like these.
3. Scatter the sachets in your rooms.
Discover the trick here.
1. Get a pot, potting soil and some basil seeds.
2. Plant the seeds in the pot with a little potting soil.
3. Water.
4. Wait till it grows!
5. Cut a few leaves from your basil.
6. Scatter them all over the house.
Discover the trick here.
1. Take a one and a half liter plastic bottle.
2. Make four holes at the top of the bottle.
3. Half fill the bottle with water.
4. Add a small piece of raw meat to the bottle.
5. Close the bottle cap.
6. Hang the bottle next to where you are going to eat.
7. Attracted by the smell, flies will enter the bottle and drown in the water trying to access the meat.
Discover the trick here.