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Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

Want to empty your house of the superfluous?

It's true that a house full of clutter is never pleasant...

Many people would like to get rid of clutter.

But some people have a psychological block at the idea of ​​getting rid of the objects they own...

And this, even if the object in question does not please them! And that's a shame...

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

  • 6 good reasons to put your house in order (and your life!)
  • 10 tips to declutter your home in 30 days
  • 1. At first, make micro-storage
  • 2. Get rid of one item each day
  • 3. Use the garbage bag method
  • 4. Get rid of the clothes you never wear
  • 5. Use this "checklist"
  • 6. Take the "12-12-12" challenge
  • 7. Do a visualization exercise
  • 8. Take before/after photos
  • 9. Ask a friend for help
  • 10. Use the "4 boxes" method
  • How to choose the right method?

Because in reality, putting your house in order, and by extension, putting your life in order...'s not nearly as painful and complicated as some make it out to be!

What's more, there are plenty of benefits to decluttering your home.

So before getting to the heart of the matter, here are 6 good reasons to declutter your home:

6 good reasons to put your house in order (and your life!)

1. Less cleaning. Cleaning is already a chore in itself. But if you also have to clean things you don't particularly care about (or worse, things you don't like!), cleaning is even more stressful.

2. Less to organise. By getting rid of unnecessary objects at home, finding an object becomes much easier. Suddenly, things stop "disappearing". You can also move more serenely in your interior, instead of having to go around objects that obstruct the passage.

3. Less stress. In a cluttered house, looking around is a real source of nausea. Wouldn't it be nicer to clear the way and be able to look around you serenely, in a house that brings you happiness?

4. Less debt. By spending less of your time shopping and buying material goods, you spend less money. So your bank account stays well stocked and your house is no longer cluttered with expensive items that you no longer need.

5. More financial freedom. 1 in 5 French people exceed their authorized overdraft each month. Most have debt associated with revolving credits. By decluttering your home and drawing inspiration from the precepts of minimalism, you will be able to put money aside for the unexpected in life.

6. More energy to devote to your passions. With less debt, more financial freedom, and a clean, tidy home, you finally have enough time and energy for the projects you really care about, instead of participating in consumer society. In the long run, it will bring you more happiness.

There you have it, you know all the good reasons to declutter your home.

Now, the question you definitely need to ask yourself is:where to start?

Rest assured, because we have listed 10 tips to declutter your home effectively in 30 days . Watch:

10 tips to declutter your home in 30 days

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

1. Initially, make micro-storage

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

New to decluttering?

Instead of throwing yourself headlong into a huge storage, take your time .

Sort for 5 minutes without stopping, and start again the next day.

This will help get you started before you start a bigger decluttering.

2. Get rid of one item every day

Imagine:by taking up this simple challenge, you can lighten your interior by 365 objects in just 1 year!

And by increasing the figure to 2 items per day, you can get rid of 730 superfluous items.

If the challenge becomes too easy for you, keep increasing the number of items to throw or donate.

3. Use the garbage bag method

This method is excellent for quickly getting rid of objects in the house without it taking too long.

Grab a big, sturdy garbage bag and fill it as soon as possible items you no longer use.

Then, if the objects are still in working order, you can donate them to an association such as Emmaus or the Salvation Army.

4. Get rid of the clothes you never wear

To know which clothes you need to get rid of, there is an infallible trick!

First, hang all your hangers in the same direction. Then, each time you wear a garment, hang the hanger in the opposite direction .

After a few months, you know for sure which clothes you no longer need.

Awesome, isn't it? Click here to discover the trick.

5. Use this "checklist"

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

Use a checklist of all the things you can get rid of, like this one.

Thus, sorting becomes child's play.

The list will allow you to have a visual representation to guide you and tell you where to start.

And all you have to do is check off the items you've already gotten rid of!

6. Take the "12-12-12" challenge

Want to get rid of stuff, but don't know where to start?

Here is a simple and fun challenge to sort and declutter the house quickly.

Find 12 objects to throw away , 12 items to give away and 12 items to store or change places.

3, 2, 1, let's go for the challenge!

7. Do a visualization exercise

Imagine what your home looks like to someone entering it for the first time.

Take a look at your home with fresh eyes , as if you were visiting a friend's house.

What are your first impressions of the layout and cleanliness?

See how furniture and objects fit in, then make changes as needed.

To discover: 10 Tips To Arrange Your Furniture Like A Pro At Home.

8. Take before/after photos

Decluttering Your Home:10 Simple Tips To Do It In 30 Days.

Take a photo of a small, easily visible and easy-to-store place, such as the kitchen counter.

Then, do a quick tidy up and cleanup of all objects in the photo, and take an "after" photo.

This will help you visualize what your interior can look like once clean and tidy.

Thus, you will be able to start a more important decluttering of your house.

9. Ask a friend for help

Ask someone close to you to take a tour of your house.

Its mission:to offer you around ten bulky objects that you could get rid of, throw away or donate to an association.

If you want to keep a particular object, then you have to justify it and convince your friend with your arguments.

If he doesn't agree, it means it's really time to part with him...

10. Use the "4 boxes" method

Here is a good method to get rid of the overflow of objects accumulated for years.

Take 4 cards and use a large marker to make the following categories:

- a "throw away" card,
- a card "to give away",
- a card "to keep" and
- a card "to change places".

The rest is simple:go to a room in your house and start putting each item in one of the boxes.

For this to work, you need to review all objects that are in the room.

Don't ignore any object, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Take the time you need. This sorting method can be done all at once, over several days, or even several weeks.

It is effective because it allows you to concretely visualize all the objects you have accumulated over the years.

Thus, it will help you to know more easily which are the superfluous objects of which you can part.

To discover: Having less is fine. Wanting less is even better.

How to choose the right method?

Whether it's the 10 tips above or another method, the main thing is to take the first step .

In reality, it doesn't matter which method you choose, as long as you apply it with the necessary motivation .

By freeing yourself from unnecessary objects that clutter your home, you will feel freer, lighter, happier.

How to declutter your home is up to you!