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Flower pots and planters as an eye-catcher in the home, garden and office

Whether indoors or outdoors, plants provide an atmospheric environment. You will need matching flower pots for the plants. Choose flower pots and planters as an eye-catcher in your home, garden and office.

Flower pots and planters as an eye-catcher in the home, garden and office

Whether you choose plants indoors or outdoors, flower pots and planters are indispensable. The choice of planters and flower pots is almost as large as the choice of plants themselves. This makes it possible to match the choice of a flower pot to the design of your interior. You can also choose a specific color. It is also possible to tailor the choice to the plant itself. You can play beautifully with heights, finish, color and shape.

Plants in your interior

It has been a trend for some time now:plants in the house. Some people have an entire urban jungle, while others only opt for a modest addition of plants in the interior. The choice of house plants is large, so that everyone will find what they are looking for. From green to flowering plants and from hanging plants to meters high plants. Even if you don't have green fingers, you can brighten up your home with a little greenery. It is then only art to choose easy plants that require little care.

Reading tip:top 10 easy to keep house plants

My plants at home

I am fond of flowers and plants. It is very difficult for me to imagine a house without plants. Even when I lived in the tropics with a mega garden, I always kept a few plants indoors. At the moment I have plants on all the windowsills in the house. These range from orchids in the office to palms in the downstairs living room.

For me, houseplants symbolize peace and nature. I like to be in nature, but with this climate that is unfortunately not always possible. Add to this the fact that I'm a big cold-blooded person, so you understand that I spend a lot of time indoors, especially in the fall and winter. Now I can't complain about the nature outside as the backyard almost borders a park (I can see this from my office), but still. I also like to have some greenery in the house.

With so many plants at home, I also need flower pots. The plants all have different water needs and I have to be able to respond well to that. While one plant does well with a little water once a week, the other plant should always be kept moist.

At the office I opted for a cheap solution:for all my orchids I bought simple gray flower pots that match the look of the plants exactly. Unfortunately my orchids are having a hard time at the moment, as they suffer from white lice. We are working on that and I hope that my plants will be in better shape in a few weeks. As soon as it gets a bit warmer, the plants will hopefully start flowering again.

Flower pots for the home

When you buy plants, they come in a simple plastic inner pot. It is the intention that you combine this inner pot with a so-called outer pot or overpot. The most inexpensive option is to opt for plastic flower pots. You can buy these everywhere and nowhere, in the most diverse colors and sizes. Ideal if you have less to spend and still need repotting for your houseplants.

If you want to give your plants a little more charisma, the choice will soon fall on a stone flower pot. These are also available in different price ranges. There is also plenty of choice when it comes to color and size. Make sure that you choose the right pots for indoor use. An overpot with a hole in the middle (for the drainage of too much water) is not very useful indoors. You can cover the hole with a piece of aluminum foil, but it is better to opt for completely closed flower pots.

Flower pots as an eye-catcher in the house

I don't only have the plastic pots upstairs, but also partly downstairs in the living room for the smaller plants. Until now I have mainly left the larger plants in the lower pot with a plate underneath to collect excess water. That had been a thorn in my side for a long time, especially when my son decided to move his large palms to the living room. So something had to be done about that.

Luckily I found these nice white and silver flower pots. Two of these were ordered for the palms. Immediately after receipt, I provided the palms with the nice flower pot and thus changed the plants from a nice addition to the interior to real eye-catchers. The flower pots are eye-catchers that you cannot ignore, but which also integrate perfectly into the interior at the same time. The white color is nice and neutral and perfect with the white wall, while the silver provides a nice contrast. The silver also fits very well with the other plants that are in gray pots.

In this way everything fits together perfectly and I have also created peace of mind. Ideal, because my daughter finds it very irritating when things don't match well or differ in colors and styles. She was very satisfied and likes the plants even more. This also applies to my son, who now certainly has no regrets that the palms have been moved to the living room.

Plants in your garden

There is nothing better than having a garden. Unfortunately, more and more people are opting for convenience in the garden and more and more gardens are being tiled. Plants are disappearing and they are replaced by stones, whether or not in combination with a comfortable seating area. Unfortunately, this is not good for the climate. That is why an action has been started, where you can apply for a subsidy for the climate-friendly design of your garden. Think of 'tile out, plants in', building a pond, placing a rain barrel and much more.

A garden with a little greenery is much nicer than a bare garden without plants. By the way, you don't have to turn your entire garden upside down right away. By using flower boxes you kill two birds with one stone. You enjoy plants and do not have to mess up the entire design of your garden. You can also hang plants on the fence, so that more greenery comes into the garden. Or opt for a border with plants in it. Then you only have to adjust a small part of your garden.

Reading tip:Beautiful, but very poisonous plants

Flower pots in the garden

I have a nice south-facing garden. My garden is also particularly large by urban standards. I've cordoned off a section so the dogs and the cat don't get to it. In that part I have planted a vegetable garden. On the other hand, I have planted part of the shelter with rose bushes (much to the surprise of everyone in the house, since I'm not that fond of roses). There is also a nice pond with a rock garden around it. The rest of the garden is tiled and here and there are flower pots and flower boxes containing (seasonal) plants.

The flower pots used are all red in color and perfectly matched to each other, so that there is sufficient harmony in the garden. The color is also not too noticeable and does not distract from the plants. Still, it can be quite fun to make the flower pots the eye-catcher of your garden. Then choose tall vases and flower pots that immediately attract attention. Combine simple green plants with flower pots in striking colours. Or match the color to the layout of your garden.

Concrete look flower pots are perfect in a neatly landscaped garden. Do you have a botanical garden or a garden with lots of flowering plants? Then you might be better off opting for white flower pots. The flower pots are then especially practical, because all attention must be paid to the flowering plants.

Flower pots for perennials

If you have little time or desire to maintain the garden, but still want to make the most of the greenery in the garden, opt for perennials. Perennials come into their own in matching flower pots. The choice of perennials is particularly large. You can even choose plants that stay green all year round. Ideal if you combine it with a high flower pot in a color of your choice. The following also applies here:do you make the plant the eye-catcher or do you want the flower pot to be the eye-catcher?

Choose seasonal plants in a beautiful planter

A little variety in the garden can't hurt. The transition from winter to spring is certainly a period when you really need some color in the garden. At least, that's certainly true in my case. Would you like to enjoy beautiful plants yourself? Then opt for seasonal plants such as violets in spring and petunias a little later in the year.

If you opt for 1-year-old bloomers in a pot, choose a beautiful planter. You can rearrange this every year with flowers and plants of your choice. Depending on the container, you can place it in a prominent place in the front yard or on the garden table in the backyard. Or opt for a very large planter and make it the eye-catcher in your garden. A beautiful planter with flowers next to your front door is of course also beautiful. You can actually go in all directions with a planter.

Choose something different:fill a bowl with beautiful plants

Besides the aforementioned flower pots, I have found something nice for my garden, namely a set of two bowls. The bowls fit perfectly on the garden table and can be filled with all kinds of nice plants. At the moment I have bought (the larger) primroses in different colors for the first bowl. With this I bring spring into my garden, because at the moment the weather is still failing. It is predominantly grey, cold and bleak. The cheerful bowl with primroses gives me a nice feeling when I look in my garden. The bowl has a hole at the bottom for draining water. Ideal, because it is currently raining (too) much, which means that excess water is drained more than necessary.

I also have a smaller bowl. I actually wanted to have this at home for Christmas. The intention was to close the drain hole at the bottom. I just wanted to use aluminum foil for this. I wanted to fill the bowl with a number of poinsettias and decorate it in a Christmas atmosphere. Unfortunately, that was not entirely successful, because the products would not arrive unscathed during the busy Christmas season. So the order was not delivered until well after Christmas. Which is nice, because now the flower pots and bowls were at least not damaged.

So now I'm still brainstorming what to do with the second scale. This one is smaller and would look great on the dining table. My daughter and I immediately thought of planting succulents. Succulents are fairly strong, don't need too much water and do well in the shell. However, I'm not completely convinced yet, so I'm going to look further for some inspiration.

Do you have an idea for me which plants I can plant in the small bowl, please let me know!

Playing with height and shapes of flower pots in the garden

Flower pots are available in all shapes, sizes and colours. Whether you have a lot or little space in the garden, if you order a number of flower pots you can play with them a bit. For example, make a row of plants by placing tall rectangular vases along the fence with a little distance between them. Ideal for underlining a sleek look in the garden.

Prefer something Mediterranean? That is of course also possible. Then choose flower pots in different heights and put them together in groups. Provide plants that match the desired appearance. For example, choose a large olive tree in a high pot and some small bougainvillea plants in smaller pots.

Plants in the office

Green should not be missing in the office. People who have to sit inside all day to work need greenery. Because office spaces are large, the plants must also be adapted to this. Think of palms, banana plants and large ficus trees. Striking plants such as an elephant's foot and a rubber tree are a perfect choice.

When choosing certain plants, care must be taken into account. Do the employees do this themselves in consultation with each other? Or is a company called in that not only takes care of the care, but also ensures that plants are repotted or treated if they become ill.

Fortunately, there are plenty of plants that are very easy to care for and therefore do perfectly well in the office. Even in places where there is less light, enough plants still grow.

Reading tip:10 tips for caring for your houseplants

Office planters

Tall flower pots, vases and large flower boxes are a must for offices. You can fill this with matching plants as desired. Planters can also be used as a 'partition' in the office. A number of planters placed one behind the other with somewhat higher plants immediately provide a green wall and partition. A low planter containing a number of green house plants would not look out of place in the waiting area of ​​an office.

For convenience, the planters and flower pots can be filled with hydro granules instead of soil. This makes caring for the plants a lot easier. Make sure that the right flower pots are chosen. This does not only apply to the size and shape, but also whether they are suitable for indoor use.

It is also not unimportant in the choice that the flower pot or container matches the complete look of the office. And more importantly:what do you want to say with your flower pot and plants? Is it a nice addition? Can the flower pot be the eye-catcher of the room, which is otherwise very simply furnished? Or do you go for a luxurious look because this simply suits the company?

There is plenty of choice and flower pots and planters are not only suitable for the home and garden, but also for the office.