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Lemon indispensable for home, garden and kitchen

Did you know that you can polish chrome with lemon? And that lemon is suitable for removing perspiration stains? Lemon indispensable for home, garden and kitchen. A must have for every household.


Most people are familiar with lemon, but mainly as a sour fruit that is used for cooking and baking. In principle, the yellow fruit is available all year round. Besides cooking and baking, you can use lemon for so much more. It is therefore advisable to always have a lemon at home.

Lemon indispensable for home, garden and kitchen

I've mentioned it before, you can use lemon to clean your dishwasher, for example. But there is so much more possible with lemon.

Lemon in and around the house

You don't need chemical products for a lot of things. Often just home remedies and natural products such as lemons are sufficient.

Removing stains on marble

Do you happen to have marble (countertop) at home and are there stains on it that you cannot possibly remove? Marble is a porous material composed of petrified calcium. That is why it can be easily damaged and not so easy to clean. Do you have a lemon at home? Then cut it in half and rub half in regular table salt. Rub it over the stains to remove them from the marble.

Lemon against cat litter or dirty air in the toilet

Whether you have a litter box or a foul-smelling toilet, a lemon works wonders. Cut a lemon in half or into several pieces and place on a saucer. Place this near the litter box or toilet and all the bad smells will disappear. Instead, it will smell nice and fresh.

Cleaning chrome with lemon

Limescale on taps and shower heads is very annoying. Fortunately, you don't have to buy expensive products. Just use a lemon wedge instead. Rub the affected areas with lemon zest. Rinse briefly and dry with a soft cloth.

Clean brass, copper or stainless steel

You can clean not only chrome with lemon. This also applies to brass, stainless steel and copper. Simply make a paste of lemon juice and salt (you can also replace it with baking soda) and spread it on the stains. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse the object with warm water. Dry well after washing. You can also use this mixture to clean your sink.

Lovely fresh scent in the house

If, for whatever reason, your house smells a bit less good, lemon is the solution. Cut a lemon into thin slices and put it on the heating in the winter. Your house will smell nice. You can eventually use the dried lemons for other purposes, such as making tea or making zest.

Lemon in the kitchen

Everyone knows that you can use lemon during baking and cooking. Yet so much more is possible with lemon in the kitchen.

Lemon against discoloration of potatoes

When you peel potatoes, they discolor very quickly. Do you want to prevent this? Then use lemon. So add a spoonful of lemon to the water. Do you want to keep cauliflower nice and white? Even then you can add lemon juice to the cooking water.

Reading tip:Everything you always wanted to know about potatoes

Lemon for a fresh fridge

Sometimes you have food that smells a little less good (think of blue cheese). Do you want this smell out of your fridge? Then clean it with lemon juice and water. After cleaning, place a sponge soaked in lemon juice in the refrigerator and let it sit for a few hours.

Cooking delicious loose rice

Cooking rice is quite an art. If there is too little water, the rice will not cook properly. Too much water will quickly turn it into a porridge. You cook the perfect rice with… lemon. Add a spoonful of lemon juice to the water while cooking. Toss with a fork before serving, so that you get delicious loose rice.

Fresh up for cutting board

Do you have a cutting board that you use regularly? Time to give it a thorough cleaning. Not only necessary to make the cutting board smell fresh again, but above all a must to disinfect it. Use a lemon to clean or freshen up. Cut it in half and run the cutting edge over the cutting board. Wipe with a soft cloth.

Fresh fruit salad

Making a fruit salad is no longer a problem. Many fruits, such as the banana and apples, tend to brown quickly after cutting. If you add a spoonful of lemon juice to the fruit salad, your fruits will remain fresh and fruity without turning brown.

Make the kitchen insect-free with lemon

The weather is getting warmer and nicer and with that the risk of insects in the kitchen also increases. For ants and other insects you do not need expensive, chemical products that are also harmful to your pets. Take a lemon and sprinkle the juice on the windowsill and doorsteps. Do you suffer from ants? Then squeeze some juice into the burrows and holes where they enter. Pieces of lemon peel on the door also keep insects out.

Lemon also helps against cockroaches, fleas and flies. To do this, simply take 4 lemons with peel and put them in 2 liters of water. Mop your floor with this water and all insects will disappear, because they don't like the fresh smell of lemons!

Make your lettuce crispy again

Has your lettuce gone limp? Then make it crispy again with a little lemon juice. Add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water. Place the limp head of lettuce in it and after an hour in the fridge your lettuce will be crispy and tasty again.

Clean the microwave with lemon

Cleaning your microwave becomes a breeze when you use a lemon. Forget all cleaning chemicals, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to a microwave-safe bowl. Place this in the microwave on the highest setting for about 3 – 4 minutes. The steam that comes from this ensures that all caked-on food residues can be easily and quickly removed with a soft cloth.

Lemon for the wash

Lemon is actually indispensable for radiant white laundry.

Bleaching fine fabrics

Do you want to bleach fabric? Then the use of chlorine or bleach is not always the best choice. It is best to use lemon for bleaching delicate fabrics. For a mild and especially stain-free bleach, put the fabrics in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda at least half an hour before washing.

Removing perspiration stains with lemon

There is nothing more annoying than perspiration stains in your new shirt or undershirt. Fortunately, you can remove these stains fairly easily. Rub the stains with a mixture consisting of equal parts lemon (can be replaced with white vinegar) and water.

Removing rust and other mineral stains from clothing

Sure, you can add a cup of chlorine to your wash water, but it's not so good for your clothes. Instead, just use 1 cup of lemon juice. Add this to your washing machine and let the natural bleaching action do its work. Your clothes will not only be stain-free, but will also smell wonderful.

White clothing with lemon

If you add lemon (undiluted or diluted) while washing white clothes, you will get radiant white laundry without the use of chemical agents. In addition, your laundry will smell fresh again.

Mold in clothes

Circumstances can give you the chance to get mold in your clothes. That is not only annoying, but also very unhealthy. Fortunately, you don't have to throw the clothes directly into the barrel. Try to save your clothes first by making a paste of lemon juice and salt. Spread this paste on the mold spots. Let the clothes dry in the sun. You can also apply this trick to rust stains. Note:this works as a bleaching agent! So not to be used on all clothing.

What do you use lemon for except for cooking and baking?