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5 Natural and Free Fertilizers For Super Healthy Plants.

5 Natural and Free Fertilizers For Super Healthy Plants.

Want your plants to stay healthy and grow easily?

For this, no need to spend money buying bags of fertilizer.

There are natural and effective fertilizers that we don't even know about.

Check out 5 free fertilizers your plants will love:

5 Natural and Free Fertilizers For Super Healthy Plants.

1. Banana peel

The banana peel isn't just for making jokes in questionable taste to people on the street (yes, yes!).

Rich in potassium , the banana peel promotes the growth of flowering plants and brings them beautiful colors.

Cut the banana peel into small pieces and bury it at the foot of your plants. This trick is ideal for roses, but can be used for any flowering or green plants.

Click here to discover other uses of banana peel.

2. Coffee grounds

It is excellent for boosting plant growth because it is rich in nitrogen and phosphates .

Add coffee grounds to the base of the plants by mixing it with the soil.

It stimulates flowering and repels worms that attack the roots. Coffee grounds also keep away flies that don't like the smell at all.

Click here to discover the trick.

3. Wood ashes

By keeping the ashes of the fireplace, barbecue or wood stove, you have a fertilizer in your hands. concentrated and effective.

In addition, the ashes fight against plant diseases and repel gastropods (snails and slugs).

In any case, start by sifting the ashes to keep only a fine powder.

> As a fertilizer , the ashes can be applied in 2 ways:

- you can spread them in a thin layer around the beds, then bury them superficially by scratching the soil lightly;

- the other solution is to mix 1 kg of ashes in a bucket of water to obtain a kind of gray milk. All that remains is to water your plants after stirring well.

> Against diseases :

- mix the ashes with the water to form a smooth paste. Then paint the trunk of the fruit trees to protect them from diseases;

> Against gastropods:

- sprinkle the ashes all around the crops coveted by slugs and snails. Gastropods hate it and quickly turn around.

4. Eggshells

Eggshells are very effective as fertilizer, including in the vegetable garden, but also to fight against undesirables such as ants and leek worms.

Dry the eggshells in the sun, then crush them with a rolling pin. All you have to do is spread this powder at the foot of your plants, mixing it with the soil.

Eggshells are also a good natural slug and snail repellent.

5. The cooking water

You don't think about it when you pour it down the sink, but water from cooking eggs, vegetables, or pasta is an excellent natural fertilizer.

Let it cool, then use it to water your indoor plants.

This intake of mineral salts boosts plant growth.

Click here to discover the trick.


There you go, you now know 5 natural and free fertilizers to keep your plants in top shape :-)

Thanks to these tips, you never have to spend your money on a can of commercial fertilizer again.

It is often mistakenly thought that it is only farmers who pollute the soil. Oh no! Home gardeners also play an important role when choosing to use chemical fertilizers and treatments.

By betting on banana peel, coffee grounds, ashes, eggshells and cooking water, you will be good for the planet and your wallet.