With the sun setting in, our garden and our vegetable patch in particular require our presence.
Spring is the ideal time to fertilize the garden. But not just anyhow!
There is no need to dump chemicals in your garden. You can make your own natural fertilizer yourself.
Your garden will love it and it will love you back.
Discover the 6 natural fertilizers that your plants will love.
If you have a wood stove or a fireplace, this tip is for you. Have you noticed that you never know what to do with wood ashes? Here is a use that will delight your roses.
Instead of disposing of your ashes, fill bags with them. Soak them in a bucket or buckets of water. When the ashes have become a thick liquid, pour it at the base of your rosebushes.
To discover: 32 Surprising Uses of Wood Ash:Don't Miss #28!
Coffee grounds are a miracle product. Not only does it cost nothing, but its use is almost limitless. For your garden, it is an excellent fertilizer. Once you've made your coffee, store the grounds in a dry container.
Let it air dry. When you have a sufficient quantity, mix it well with the soil of your plants or vegetables. Water so that the fertilizer from the coffee grounds benefits the roots.
To discover: 10 Good Reasons To NEVER Throw Away Your Coffee Grounds Again.
Do not throw the cooking water of your vegetables, nor that of the eggs, into the sink. When cooking, vegetables and eggs lose some of their minerals which end up in the cooking water.
Let it cool. Then use it to water your plants:they will directly benefit from the minerals in your vegetables and eggs.
To discover: 14 Ways to Reuse Cooking Water and Never Waste It Again.
Eggs are an inexhaustible resource for your garden;-) Are you making hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs, a cake or an omelet? Keep the shells carefully. Rinse them and then let them dry. Crush them into small pieces.
Then mix them with the soil of your vegetable garden or that of your plants. It is a very good source of calcium, excellent for their health. In addition, eggshells have a reputation for repelling slugs.
To discover: 10 Incredible Uses of Eggshells.
A walk in the countryside in perspective? Consider picking dandelions. Dandelion manure is an excellent booster for small growth in the garden. Plan a bag:you need 1 kilo of dandelion for 5 liters of water.
To prepare it, rinse your dandelions if they are full of soil. Put them in the bottom of a bucket. Pour the 5 liters of water. The ideal is to collect rainwater. Otherwise, let the water stand for 48 hours to reduce the action of chlorine. Cover your bucket. And wait a week or two! Stir daily until small bubbles emerge.
Remember to put the bucket away because the maceration gives off unpleasant odors. Then filter the manure and water plants and vegetables with it:make 3 normal waterings and 1 watering with manure. You can store it in dark bottles. Tomatoes and curcurbits love it!
Same principle as dandelion manure. The proportions are identical and the maceration process is the same.
There you go, you now know the natural fertilizers that you can make at home for your garden :-)