I show you in this tip how to reuse cooking water as fertilizer .
A free fertilizer that all your green plants will absolutely love!
Because all plants need a little help to grow beautiful flowers.
And no need for commercial fertilizers which have a very dubious composition!
Not to mention the price of these chemical fertilizers that are not cheap...
Fortunately, here is how to turn egg cooking water into 100% natural homemade fertilizer.
Don't worry, it's easy as pie and easy to do. Watch:
- eggs
- water pan
1. Put your eggs in the pan.
2. Heat the water.
3. Let the eggs cook to obtain hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs.
4. Take the eggs out of the pan.
5. Let the water cool well.
6. Pour the water gently over your plants.
And There you go ! You have transformed your egg cooking water into a natural remineralizing fertilizer :)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And above all totally natural!
What I like about this trick is that you don't lose anything.
The cooking water from the eggs, which we tend to throw in the sink, is reused here.
0 waste, 0 pollution!
And it works on all plants:green plants or outdoor plants but also in the vegetable garden.
Why ? Because plants need minerals for their growth.
And they do not always find them in the soil offered to them. It is therefore necessary to bring them regularly.
And all that for nothing!
It is an easy to use and dose liquid fertilizer. It can easily be kept for a few days.
If you salted the cooking water slightly, don't worry. Salt also provides minerals.
Don't forget to recycle the shells of hard-boiled eggs.
Crumble the shells and scatter them around salads to repel slugs.
Or scatter them on the soil around plants to slowly decompose.
I advise you to put some at the base of tomatoes to prevent rotting, or at the base of peach trees to avoid blistering.
The eggshells, while cooking, will release their minerals into the hot water.
Including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and carbonate.
As it is liquid, this DIY natural fertilizer spreads easily and quickly in the soil, and therefore in the plants.
It gives them the minerals they need to flower, grow or bear fruit.
Know that you can also drink this cooking water.
It is perfect in case of fatigue! You will replenish your natural energy.