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The Living Earth Guide to Healthy and Natural Habitats

The Living Earth Guide to Healthy and Natural Habitats

On behalf of Living Earth, it is obvious that all the advice and techniques given in this guide, in terms of layout, decoration and maintenance, are aimed at living in a healthy and natural home.

Ending unhealthy homes

More and more, we are discovering that pollution is not limited to odors or visible waste, but that it is also produced by our interiors which are polluted by particles which we do not see and which emanate from furniture, paints , candles, etc... The health of man and the earth has never been a priority for manufacturers of building materials:as a result, we realize today that our houses are unhealthy from made of the pollutants found in it:CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic), aldehydes, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), halogenated hydrocarbons and others.

Thus, if you renovate or build your home as an eco-builder, this guide will allow you to avoid these sources of poisoning by explaining how to make simple arrangements (installation of partitions, flooring, insulation, etc.) ) with natural and warm materials such as wood, hemp or cellulose wadding. Lime and hemp plasters in natural ocher tones, clay heating wall, whitewash, chestnut parquet, very smooth tadelakt... so many beautiful and delicate creations to make yourself.

The Living Earth Guide to Healthy and Natural Habitats

Indeed, there is no inconsistency between comfort and health:the two can be combined, and can even lead you to reduce your energy bill. The materials you will find in this guide are renewable, reusable, respectful of the health of people and the earth, locally close, low gray energy, sustainable, ethical, efficient and alive.

Regarding the decoration of its interior, it is the same:prefer the formulas of paints, coatings, stains given in this book to the toxic paints of your DIY store. Once the facilities are complete, to maintain everything, all you have to do is create your cleaning products, with 100% natural and economical ingredients, thanks to the recipes in the book!

The very positive little extra of this book is that it is not intended to be a collection of advice that can be envisaged only for a handful of specialized specialists in ecology:on the contrary, the authors have chosen to highlight materials and techniques worthy of of ecological interest, within the reach of the greatest number since they are perfectly well marketed; which does not exclude non-industrial alternatives, but not only...

The Living Earth Guide to Healthy and Natural Habitats

I assure you, eco-construction does not prevent you from creating a cozy, fancy, cheerful, imaginative, welcoming and pleasant place to live!

A collective of authors

With the expertise of a collective of five authors specialized in these topics of eco-construction, Terre Vivante provides us with a guide, a veritable mine of information, intended for neophytes as well as more seasoned DIY enthusiasts.

Jean-Claude Mengoni is a journalist, passionate about ecological housing. Manuel Mengoni is a consultant in ecology and sustainable development. Bruno Gouttry , artisan painter, created the company Anachromie , specializing in paints and natural coatings, and leads workshops and training. Laetitia Royant is passionate about plants, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, naturopathy, and develops natural and simple recipes for cleaning products. Christelle Auzias , decorator and founder of the Terra originalis workshop , runs courses on the use of healthy materials.

The Living Earth guide to healthy and natural habitats – Living Earth Guides Collection - released on October 24, 2014 – €32