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13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Ever wondered what you could do with all that ash of firewood?

If you often have a fire at home, I'm sure you've already asked yourself this question!

Well, know that wood ash can be used in the home, in the garden, in the compost heap and as an insecticide. Watch:

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

  • 1. Removes bad dog odors
  • 2. Makes paint stains disappear
  • 3. Enriches the compost
  • 4. Scares away the slugs
  • 5. Melts the ice
  • 6. Prevents algae growth
  • 7. Stimulates the growth of tomatoes
  • 8. Cleans your fireplace glass
  • 9. Makes soap
  • 10. Makes silverware shine
  • 11. Clean the chickens
  • 12. Removes odors from the compost bin
  • 13. Purifies water

Obviously, the quality of wood ash depends on the type of wood you are burning. Generally, hardwoods like oak are dense and produce more ash when burned.

They contain a higher percentage of nutrients than ash from softwoods such as fir or pine.

Wood ash has been recognized as a precious substance for millennia. The Romans already used it in their garden!

Scientists of the time, like Palladius, left several writings on the benefits of ash. And today, we rediscover them together!

Here are the 13 amazing uses of wood ash:

1. Removes bad dog odors

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

To neutralize your dog's odors, rub a handful of ashes on his fur. This eliminates lingering odors that are sometimes very unpleasant. In addition, it prevents parasites from settling in its fur. Convenient, isn't it? Very interesting trick especially if you can't give him a bath easily.

2. Makes paint stains disappear

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Did you paint stains while repainting the house? No worries ! Treat stains on tile or exterior paving by pouring ashes directly onto the stain and scrubbing with a stiff brush. You'll see it's super effective and it costs nothing.

3. Enriches compost

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Before applying the compost to the soil, increase its nutritious properties by adding a little wood ash. But be careful, don't add too much because it will ruin your compost.

4. Scares away the slugs

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Distribute ashes evenly around your vegetable beds. Ash repels slugs and snails:they will no longer come to feast on your salads! Bye, bye, gastropods.

5. Melts the ice

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Instead of putting salt, put ashes on the ice. This allows for more grip when you walk or ride on it. Big advantage:the soil will not be polluted when the ice melts, unlike salt which can make the soil infertile.

6. Prevents algae growth

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Do you have a pond in your garden? So add a tablespoon of wood ashes for about 3700 liters of water. The addition of potassium strengthens the other aquatic plants which will thus better defend themselves against algae. As a result, this will slow down the growth of algae.

7. Stimulates the growth of tomatoes

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

For plants that love calcium, like tomatoes, pour 1/4 cup directly into the hole when planting.

8. Cleans your fireplace glass

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Dip a damp sponge into the ashes. Pass it on the glass of the fireplace to exfoliate the soot residue. Check out the trick here.

9. Makes soap

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Soak the ashes in water to obtain a lye. Then mix this with animal fat or oil.

Boil everything to produce soap. The process is long but produces a natural and effective soap. Add salt which hardens it as it cools. To make laundry with ashes, discover the trick here.

10. Makes silverware shine

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Make a paste with ashes and water. Then pass it over the part to be cleaned. It will act as a polisher. It is eco-friendly and non-toxic. Perfect for silverware and silver jewelry.

11. Clean the chickens

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Put an ash tray in the chicken coop. Chickens love to roll in the dust. It allows them to get rid of parasites. You can rub them yourself with the ash, they will love it! Check out the trick here.

12. Removes odors from the compost bin

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Used in small amounts in your compost bin, ash deodorizes, balances the pH of the bin and neutralizes odours.

13. Purifies water

13 Amazing Home and Garden Uses for Wood Ash.

Wood ash is also an effective water purifier. If you intend to participate in Koh Lanta... think about it! You do not believe me ? Well look here to see that it works!