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How my Bouquet of Roses Keeps Longer!

How my Bouquet of Roses Keeps Longer!

The opportunities to receive roses from your sweetheart are endless .

But greenhouse roses do not hold up well.

Follow Jardimaline so that your bouquet of roses will keep longer!

I want a fresh, ephemeral bouquet...

Does your loved one give you bouquets very often? Optimize their vase life already! Here are some essential gestures:

- Clean and bleach the vase, filter the water (even the rain) and let it cool (a drop of white vinegar to remove any limestone that clogs the sap-conducting vessels).

- Remove all packaging, foliage and thorns from the bottom of all stems.

- Cut under lukewarm running water each stem 2 cm above an eye . Bevel cut with a clean, sharp, toothless knife or a grafting tool (bleached beforehand). Above all, do not crush the bottom of the stems!

- Pour the water to 2/3 of the vase , add a piece of charcoal and 2-3 drops of bleach, arrange your bouquet.

...but let it be as long!

Now that you've put your bouquet in a vase, a few extra precautions will extend the life of these beauties!

- Always place the vase out of drafts and sources of heat and very far from fruits and vegetables!

- Move your bouquet to a cooler room every evening (2-3°C less). Pay attention to the season and the exposure of the pieces. In an apartment, place the bouquet on the floor, away from radiators, in the coolest corner (except underfloor heating).

- Every evening reserve filtered water at room temperature.

- Change the water every day .

- Clean and trim the stems 2 cm.

- Avoid sugar and various preservation solutions:they accelerate putrefaction by the rapid proliferation of bacteria (that's the cloudiness of the water and the smell of sewage that emanates from vases with non-renewed water).

- Garden roses will last longer in the vase if they are picked after the dew has evaporated and before the hot weather.

And There you go ! You are going to become the true fairy of long-fresh rose bouquets! Of course, I await your comments and those of your friends or spouses, who will be blown away by such a floral enchantment in your interior.