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How to Save Water? 3 Effective Tips.

How to Save Water? 3 Effective Tips.

Saving water is more important than ever right now .

We know that water is a resource that is becoming scarce and must be protected.

Here are a few simple but effective actions to adopt in order to preserve water reserves... and save money!

Come on, let's go!

How to Save Water? 3 Effective Tips.

1. Choose showers instead of baths

A bath is 150 liters of water used against 80 liters of water for a shower. By taking a shower, you therefore use 70 liters less water, which is not bad.

But you can save even more water if you avoid staying too long under the jet.

Taking a shower in 4 minutes is totally doable. We soap up, we wash our hair, we rinse and you're done. And by adopting this habit, it's 40 liters more water that are kept!

Try setting a timer for 5 minutes when you take a shower, you'll see it helps.

2. Turn off the water while we wash our hands

Let the water flow, I admit, I did it too. Of course, by leaving the tap open, you save time, but you also waste water unnecessarily.

Get into the habit of turning off the tap while washing your hands. It is only opened when rinsing. It's a gesture that is effortless and avoids wasting almost 3 glasses of water unnecessarily.

3. Water your plants with cooking water

I still see people watering their flowers with plain water and it really sucks. Save water by using cold cooking water your pasta or your vegetables to water your plants instead.

You can also use carafe bottoms and dishwashing water. Personally I've done it before and my plants have tolerated it well, so it will be fine for you too;)!

Savings achieved

How to Save Water? 3 Effective Tips.

At the moment, we are sorely lacking in water, we must not think only of ourselves but of others too. These small gestures to apply may seem trivial to you, but you will see that they will save you tens of liters of water.

And in addition there are only advantages for you:not only will you save water, but on top of that, your water bill will drop considerably. It's worth making this little effort, isn't it?