Want your flower bouquet to last as long as possible?
It's true that cut flowers tend to fade quickly and that's a shame!
Fortunately, my florist gave me her miracle trick to make a bouquet of cut flowers last longer.
The trick that works to preserve your cut flowers is to put vinegar and sugar in the water in the vase . Watch:
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
1. Fill the vase with water.
2. Pour the vinegar into it.
3. Add the sugar.
4. Place the bouquet in the water.
5. Change the water every two days.
6. And redo this mixture each time.
There you go, your beautiful bouquet of flowers will last much longer :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more bouquet of flowers that fades quickly!
It's still more beautiful like that!
Your roses, lilies, lilacs or ranunculus and all other flowers will keep their beautiful colors.
They will fade much less quickly and you will be able to enjoy them for longer.
You can also use apple cider vinegar to keep your cut flowers longer. Then put 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar instead of alcohol vinegar.
Sugar is an excellent nutrient for flowers.
Bulb flowers such as narcissus, gerberas, tulips or ranunculus particularly appreciate it.
And this is also true for all the flowers that grow in the spring.
As for vinegar, it disinfects the water and helps keep it healthy and clean.
This prevents fungi or slime from developing in the stagnant water of the flowers.