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How to protect your roses in winter?

How to protect your roses in winter?

The rose bush is a plant more or less vulnerable to frost when the winter season comes, especially if it is in a pot. Nevertheless, it has a rustic property, therefore quite resistant. By properly caring for your rosebush during the winter, they will bloom again the following season. In fact, this protection does not apply to all roses since shrub roses do not require any particular protection, except for the grafting point which is the most delicate part. This is why it is advisable to abut the rosebush with a mound of earth about 12cm high in the event of frost, thus covering the branches. On the other hand, hybrid and miniature roses require a light protection as well as climbing roses and stems.

Recommended protective measures

How to protect your roses in winter?

Winter happens to be the perfect time to amend the soil. Throughout the month of November, take the opportunity to supply your soil with nutrients. During this period, avoid coming into direct contact with the branches as there is a risk of burns. After having mounded your roses, you can undertake additional protection to better preserve your plants against the cold. This action consists in mulching the feet of the rosebush. In this context, it is strongly discouraged to use classic straw which risks mold. Instead, apply flax straw or well-matured compost. Ideally, choose the mix “cows-hens-horse”.

How to protect your roses in winter?

In colder regions that are more exposed to snow, it is possible to cover your roses, especially the stems which are essentially fragile. For this, there are special winter covers dedicated to this purpose which are available in rose gardens or garden centres. Otherwise, fir branches are effective in protecting the base of your rosebush from the cold. A little tip that might be useful to you.