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A hole ? A hitch? I Repair and Plus, it's Beautiful.

A hole ? A hitch? I Repair and Plus, it s Beautiful. daughter's favorite tee has holes in it and , last summer, my stole fed a moth...

If, like me, you prefer to keep the clothes you love despite a hole or a tear... repair them because they can be beautiful too!

When I discovered these unsightly little holes no bigger than a pinhead on our clothes that had become unwearable, I had no other solution than to start doing a little special "embroidery" at offer our favorite clothes...

A hole ? A hitch? I Repair and Plus, it s Beautiful.

A Ribbon Flower to Fix Them.

The idea seduced my daughter and for me, my stole has changed! Faced with these little worries, there's nothing like a little humor, thread, a needle and embroidery ribbon (yes, that's what it's called!).

These ribbons, thin and narrow of 5 mm, exist in all qualities. For my first flower, I used synthetic tape because cheaper. Now, more seasoned, I prefer silk ribbon.

I'll Show You How!

Ready? Let's go!

1. I thread 25 cm of colored ribbon on a large-eye needle and without tip so as not to damage my ribbon.

2. I put the needle on the BACK OF the garment and pass the needle through the hole. I maintain, on the back, the 5 mm of the end of the ribbon with the middle finger of my left hand placed on the back of the fabric. I'm right-handed, so I place my RIGHT hand ABOVE the work and my left hand below.

3. My ribbon is above my work; I gently pull and I will pose , from the hole, 1 cm of tape flat on the fabric. Above all, I don't pull, the ribbon must remain flexible and slightly domed. I still haven't pricked my needle.

Warning... I'm stinging

4. I insert my needle INTO the ribbon in the middle its width AND in the fabric (at the same time), exactly where I want my petal (or my sheet if my ribbon is green) stops.

I'm going to get the needle on the other side of the work, with my left hand and I pull gently while maintaining with my right hand, the ribbon placed above. A loop will form and under no circumstances should the small loop formed pass through the tape. You have your first petal (or your first leaf).

5. I go back again my needle in the central hole, where it passed to (1.) above and I renew the indications 2. 3. and 4. for as many petals as I wish around my hole.

And To Finish

I stop my flower on the back of the work , by a discreet loop and irons my needle there. I pull, my knot is done. I can then cut my ribbon. For more elegance when working on a stole or a scarf for example, if the embroidery can be seen on both sides, I pay particular attention to my knot, or even finish with a classic thread stitch.

Thus, the ribbon will fill the hole and apretty flower will form. For more fantasy, consider choosing ribbons in different colors or in monochrome.

I reproduce these flowers on as many holes or tears as I have to repair. And from one year to the next, I can even have an extra flower, or even a pretty bouquet!

And you, do you also have clothes that you no longer wear because of an unsightly hole or tear? Share your impressions and ideas with us by leaving a comment here:you'll see, I'm not the only one with these ideas!