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What to do with my Fridge Gasket Magnets?

What to do with my Fridge Gasket Magnets?

Did you know that there are magnets hidden in the joints of your fridge? Well I discovered it, as well as their possible uses. What should I do with the magnets in my fridge gasket? Follow the leader...

From time to time, because my fridge consumes a lot of energy or my freezer frosts more than necessary, it's time to replace the seals. This tedious operation quickly finds pleasure in my eyes in view of the energy savings that I will make but also because I know that I will have fun doing DIY.


What I do with a cutter :

- I cut, without forcing, the white rubber sheath that wraps a long ribbon of magnet 9 mm wide

- I extract it cleanly and easily

- I throw the white rubber in the gray household waste bin

- I carefully keep my 5 m of ribbon magnet.

How to proceed next?

I use these magnets by cutting them :

- with the cutter ( and I remain cautious because a cutter can be very sharp):the blade placed perpendicular to the magnet I press firmly on the blade

- with scissors

- or simply by folding them on themselves, according to my needs or my desires.

For Which Results?

On my fridge I have a whole series of black magnets, small, medium, large and even very large. The longest is 30 cm and firmly holds the timetable of the whole family. I also have a 7cm one that monitors the shopping list!

I also keep these precious magnets because I use them to give my children original gifts (see my photo), inexpensive and made with their little hands:

- A 7cm piece of magnet stuck behind a decorated clothespin will make a beautiful decorative memo in the kitchen or in the office

- 4 pieces of magnet (2 pieces of 5 cm and 2 pieces of 3 cm) glued face to face on the chassis of a mini painter's frame on which my children drew will maintain their works for many years

- The small pieces of 1 or 2 cm (which can be scraps from old cutouts) stuck behind a photo, a sculpture in salt dough or Fimo clay (on Amazon) and your little treasures, proud and flattered, will delight their grandparents, godfathers or godmothers!

Of course I'm not going to give you a list of everything I do with my children, but these magnets are useful to me in more ways than one.

It's been a long time since I bought magnets or magnets, so if you want to follow me in this originality, do it quickly and come back and tell me, through a little comment posted here, what your turn you made, imagined, realized.

Savings Achieved

A box of 10 small 6cm magnets costs €3.00

1 m of magnet tape, allows me to make 17 magnets of 6 cm. On 5 m of magnet tape, I therefore make 85 magnets of 6 cm, i.e. 8.5 boxes. So I realize a potential saving of €49.50 for neutral and undecorated magnets.