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10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

How about being able to eat some nice big tomatoes that come from your vegetable garden ?

Makes you want it, doesn't it? Especially when summer is coming!

Fortunately, these tips tested and approved by the best gardeners will simplify your life, even if you are a beginner.

You will be able to grow beautiful, juicy and delicious tomatoes without spending hours and effort.

Here are 10 gardening secrets to grow beautiful big tasty tomatoes easily .

Sun-kissed and juicy tomato salads are yours, without paying a euro at the market! Watch:

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

  • 1. Choose a bright and well-ventilated area
  • 2. Practice crop rotation
  • 3. Choose plants with strong roots
  • 4. Bury the stems well
  • 5. Water deeply every 7 days
  • 6. Do not cut suckers from tomato plants
  • 7. Use stakes to make it easy for tomatoes to grow upright
  • 8. Add compost at the right time
  • 9. Add new tomato plants after three weeks
  • 10. Harvest your tomatoes when they are fully ripe

1. Choose a bright and well-ventilated place

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

Plant your tomatoes leaving about 70 cm between each foot so that the air circulates well between them. This also prevents diseases from being transmitted from foot to foot through the leaves that touch each other. By leaving space between the tomatoes, the plants can benefit from 10 hours of light per day during the summer season. Check out the trick here.

2. Practice crop rotation

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

The key to keeping a productive vegetable garden is to rotate crops each year. So plant your tomatoes in a different place than the previous year. This will decrease the risk of soil-borne diseases like mildew or brown spot.

3. Choose plants with strong roots

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

When you select the tomato plants that you are going to plant in your vegetable garden, check the condition of their roots. Beware of seedlings with beautiful green leaves but without strong, deep roots. Indeed, once transplanted, these tomato plants will take much longer to grow, and will therefore be less productive.

4. Bury the stems well

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

Cover your tomato seedlings with soil up to the first leaves. In this way, new roots will grow faster on the stem. And the more roots, the more tomatoes (to eat!).

5. Water deeply every 7 days

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

Water the tomatoes copiously once a week, and every 5 days at the height of summer. Prefer a watering can with a head that diffuses the water well. Make a kind of basin around the stem to keep the water. Be careful, water directly on the ground and not on the leaves. Even better, you can also install a homemade sprinkler like this using a simple bottle with a hole in it.

6. Do not cut suckers from tomato plants

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

Despite what many gardeners believe, suckers should not be removed from tomato plants. Why ? Because if left to grow, these stems will also produce flowers and fruit. Yes, these suckers, which grow in the axils of the leaves, are nothing more than secondary stems. It is useless to cut them, it is even a waste of time which creates a wound through which diseases can enter. Letting them grow can even nearly double the tomato crop under the right conditions. Try it and you'll see!

7. Use stakes for tomatoes to grow upright easily

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

To grow well, tomatoes need stakes. Stakes 1.80 m high work very well for most varieties of large tomatoes. For cherry tomatoes, 1.20 m is enough. Take care to place the stake in the ground before transplanting the tomato plants. Otherwise you risk damaging the roots by driving the stake into the ground.

8. Add compost at the right time

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

As soon as you see the first fruits ripen, encourage their growth by putting compost around the stem. Stimulate this fruiting by pruning the upper leaves of the stem. Check out the trick here.

9. Add new tomato plants after three weeks

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

Three weeks after planting the first tomato plants in your garden, add new vines. So your crops will spread out and you will always have ripe fruit.

10. Harvest your tomatoes when they are fully ripe

10 Gardening Secrets To Grow Beautiful And Big Tomatoes Easily.

You will now be able to harvest and enjoy your beautiful big tomatoes. Know that it is important to harvest them at the right time. The tomatoes are ripe when they have reached a good size and are fully colored.