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How do I dispute my water bill? Smart things to know.

How do I dispute my water bill? Smart things to know.

Does your water bill seem exaggerated? Does the amount that is too high seem unjustified to you? I have some tips for disputing its amount.

If your behavior has not changed and the price of your water bill is disproportionate compared to previous ones, then here is what to do:

1. First make sure you have no leaks your house. For this the trick is simple. Close all the taps but do not turn off the water supply and note the number indicated on your meter. Leave overnight. If the number has increased without consuming any water, then you have a leak. You will then have to pay your bill.

2. If there is no change on the meter, then you have no leak.

It will therefore be reasonable to dispute this invoice. You will then have to send a mail with acknowledgment to your water supplier to request verification of their reading. Remember to attach your old invoices to prove the discrepancy with the previous months. And in case you were traveling during the period in question, remember to send proof, such as a train ticket.

Also call your supplier water because the situation can be unblocked quickly, but always send a letter which will serve as proof in the event of a problem.

The Water Company will then send a technician to check that your meter is working properly . If it is defective, your invoice will be reduced to the level of previous invoices.

Finally, the CLCV (Association Consumption, Housing and Living Environment) can help you for free. In the case of invoices deemed abusive, the local agencies will negotiate with the supplier on behalf of the individual, it does not advise companies. In the event that you decide to go to court, the CLCV will not be able to be present, but only to advise you on the steps to follow.

Savings Achieved

By contesting your invoice, if you win your case, you will necessarily save money.

To spend even less water and therefore reduce your bills, you can use an economical hand shower.

Finally, it is always important to check your bills and don't hesitate to claim a refund if you think you've been cheated. The water, electricity, gas companies... have the annoying habit of increasing our bills from time to time. Don't be fooled;-). Tell me if this has ever happened to you? What did you do to get reimbursed?